Migrants in the Spotlight Media Award

Deadline: 4 April 2011
Open to: university or college students in the EU (ages 18-28)
Award: 1st: 1000EUR; 2nd: 500EUR; 3rd: 200EUR

The International Organization for Migration, in coordination with the European Commission, is hosting a competition for university and college students to submit articles and documentaries on migration and integration-related issues.

Articles and documentaries must address integration issues in Hungary , Czech Republic, Latvia , Lithuania , Romania or Slovakia . Selected winners will receive a cash prize and winners’ work will be showcased at the international conference “Promoting Migrant Integration Through Media and Intercultural Dialogue” in Budapest in May 2011.


Open to university or college students in the EU (ages 18-28).
Proof of university registration (e.g. copy of the student ID card or class registration papers) and age must be supplied.


* submissions must be in English (in documentaries english subtitles are acceptable)
* entries must have been created in 2010 or by the submission deadline
* topic needs to creatively address issues surrounding migrants, integration, and/or cultural diversity in Hungary , the Czech Republic, Latvia , Lithuania , Romania or Slovakia
* articles must be between 1,500 and 3,000 words
* documentaries must be between 5-10 minutes, including title and end credits


Online submission.
You must also submit:
* article or documentary
* application form
* scanned proof of age and university status online and send them to IOM Hungary , MITS Media Competition, Revay utca, 12, 1065 Budapest, Hungary , by 4 April 2011.

* Articles:  a .pdf of the article with the applicant’s original signature must be uploaded via the website and the original (with the signed application form and proof of age and university status) mailed to IOM Hungary
* Documentaries: uploaded via the website (.mp4, .mpg, .mov, .mpeg, .wmv format, maximum 20 MB) and the submission on DVD (with signed application form and proof of age and university status) should be sent to IOM Hungary


1st: 1,000 EUR
2nd: 500 EUR
3rd: 200 EUR

In addition to the monetary prize, the winners will be invited to the award ceremony at the international conference, “Promoting Migrant Integration Through Media and Intercultural Dialogue”, implemented in coordination with the Hungarian EU Presidency in Budapest on 17-18 May (all travel and accommodation expenses covered).



Official Website

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