Quality in Alternative Care Conference, Prague

Deadline: 10 November 2010
Open to: young people between 16 and 25
Venue: pre-conference workshop 1-3 April 2011, conference 4-6 April 2011, Prague
Costs: your trip will be organized and covered by the organizer

Are you in alternative care or did you grow up in alternative care?
Are you between 16 and 25?
Do you want to contribute to this conference?

Various care systems exist for children living in alternative care which aim to ensure and improve their chances of development. However, inadequate care can hinder this development and result in children’s fundamental rights being violated. Against this background, SOS Children’s Villages, with the support of various partners, is organizing the international conference “Quality in Alternative Care”.

Objectives of The Pre-conference Workshop
■  To give you the opportunity to contribute to the international conference ”Quality in Alternative Care“
■  To create a space for young people from different countries to exchange ideas about the issues
related to quality in alternative care
■  To give you new ideas concerning your involvement in the debate on alternative care in your country

Pre-conference Workshop in Prague
You will meet three days prior to the conference in order to prepare your input and participation at the
conference. At the three-day conference you will have the chance to talk to and exchange opinions with decision makers, researchers and social welfare representatives, and to share the input you prepare during the pre-conference workshop.
The main language at the conference and at the pre-conference workshop will be English.

How to apply
Please fill in the application form which you will find here by 10 November 2010.

Travel and Accommodation Expenses
If you are selected, your trip will be organised and covered by the organiser for the pre-conference
workshop and the conference.

Official website

2 thoughts on “Quality in Alternative Care Conference, Prague

    1. Hi, Farah,

      If you take a look at who is organizing the conference (SOS Children’s Villages), then it might be little bit clearer. Here (http://www.sos-childrensvillages.org/What-we-do/Pages/default.aspx) you can find what is their agenda: SOS Children's Villages focuses on family-based, long-term care of children who can no longer grow up with their biological families. At our SOS Children's Villages and SOS Youth Facilities they experience reliable relationships and love once again, meaning that they can recover from what they have experienced, which has often been traumatic. They grow up in a stable family environment, and are supported individually until they become independent young adults.
      I hope I have made it a bit understandable to you.


      Kristina, mladiinfo

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