Seminar “NFE in Europe Reloaded”

Deadline: 10 January 2017
Open to: youth workers, trainers, teachers, educators and researchers from Finland, Lithuania, Spain, Albania, Kosovo, Croatia, Macedonia and Serbia
Venue: 3-11 February 2017, Sremski Karlovci, Serbia


Seminar “NFE in Europe reloaded” will gather NFE practitioners, that have a need to reflect on their own educational principles and practices. The aim of the project “Improvement the quality and efficiency of education and training” is to enhancing the quality of non-formal education and youth work in Western Balkans and EU.

The seminar will be supported by experts from different fields (art, business, health care…).  Participants will have a space to reflect is in those NFE models. Participants will have a chance to contribute in preparing the e-based publication summarizing experiences, ideas, models that will be shared during the seminar (more in the Seminar agenda).


  • Youth workers, trainers, teachers, educators and researchers;
  • Coming from 8 participating countries (Finland, Lithuania, Spain, Albania, Kosovo, Croatia, Macedonia and Serbia);
  • Expected to be committed to participate in the whole program;
  • Able to work in the English language.


Organizers will cover all costs concerning the training, such as accommodation and food, domestic travel costs and training material.

 Travel refund (European Commission criteria, total travel costs): Albania: 180 EUR, Finland: 360 EUR, FYRO Macedonia: 180 EUR, Croatia: 180 EUR, Spain: 275 EUR, Lithuania: 275 EUR and Kosovo: 180 EUR.

How to apply?

If you are interested in the participation please send the filled application form to your national coordinator (see contacts below) till 10th of January 2016:

  • Albania – Youth in Free Initiative –;
  • Croatia – Udruga za razvoj civilnog društva Bonsai –;
  • Finland – Hyvärilän Nuorisokeskus –;
  • FYROM – Association center for intercultural dialogue – Kumanovo –;
  • Kosovo – Organizata jo-qeveritare ligo lex –;
  • Lithuania – Lietuvos neformaliojo ugdymo asociacija –;
  • Serbia – Grupa “Hajde da…” –;
  • Spain – Red Europea los jovenes importan ahora –

For further questions contact Marko Pejovic at:

More information can be found in the official call.

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