Call for Proposals: Strengthening the Social, Economic & Territorial Development

Deadline: 10 June 2016
Open to: non-profit-making legal person/entity established in Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro and by public or private law for the purposes of public interest or specific purpose
Grants: the overall budget of the Programme is EUR 67,241,552


Manging Authority, Directorate for Managing Cooperation Programmes and Regional Development within Agency for Regional Development of the Republic of Croatia are accepting proposals for  a programme entitled “Interreg IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme Croatia-Bosnia and Herzegovina–Montenegro 2014-2020”.

The aim of this Programme is to strengthen the social, economic and territorial development of the Programme area through implementation of joint interventions in the areas of health and social care, environment protection and sustainable energy, development of sustainable tourism and strengthening of competitiveness and business environment.


In order to be eligible for a grant, the applicant/partner must meet all of the following criteria:

  • Be non-profit-making legal person/entity established by public or private law for the purposes of public interest or specific purpose of meeting needs of general interest;
  • Be established in respecting Participating Country.
  • The partnership consists of at least two partners from Participating Countries out of which one is from Member State;
  • Lead Applicant has to be registered at least 12 months prior to the deadline for submission of applications.


The overall budget of the Programme for period 2014-2020 is EUR 67,241,552.


Click HERE to enter the eMS to register and start filling in the application. Submissions should be done until 10 June 2016.

For any technical difficulties or problems you might experience with the eMS, please contact the programme IT manager in charge of the eMS at:

For more information, please visit the official website.

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