MakeDox Call for Volunteers 2012

Deadline: 15 June 2012
Open to: All interested from Macedonia
Dates and Venue:  15-22 June 2012, Skopje, Macedonia


The 3rd edition of the MakeDox creative documentary film festival, 15-22 June, 2012 is opening its call for volunteers.

Why should you become MakeDox volunteer? (Choose at least one)


  • You’ll get a chance to watch quality movies for free
  • Volunteering is good for the cardiovascular system
  • You get to meet geeks and freaks as yourself from all around the globe
  • Because Noah’s arch was built by volunteers, Titanic by professionals…
  • You know how to take photos
  • You get a chance to meet soul mates
  • You just love good team work
  • Volunteering is good for cholesterol
  • You can express yourself as you always wanted
  • Your (girl) friend volunteered last year and she just can’t stop talking about it
  • Finally you get a chance to express your creativity
  • Volunteering erases bad karma
  • Your deepest belief is that when the number of volunteers will equal the number of lawyers, finally the known universe will enter the era of ultimate harmony
  • Girls just love it
  • You want to meet celebrities, and you just may get a chance to take them to a walk trough Skopje
  • When you Google volunteering, MakeDox pops up
  • You know you’ll get a bike during the festival
  • Finally something interesting to do while everyone you know watches football…
  • You just feel like volunteering

If at least 3 choices may be applied to you, you should take a serious consideration of consulting a friend, and both to apply to by simply writing your answers, name and surname, telephone and email.

The Official Call for Volunteers

The Official Website

6 thoughts on “MakeDox Call for Volunteers 2012

    1. Dear Kate,

      If they haven't specified the daily hours in the call for volunteers, then it is possible that the working hours depend on the volunteers' availability and willingness to donate their free time. If you want to make sure that you can still volunteer, even though you don't have that much time to spare, you can contact the organizers (for example you can use facebook to contact them).

      Good luck

    1. Dear John,

      If you are currently staying in Macedonia, then there is no reason why you couldn't be a volunteer at MakeDox. But if that's not the case, I seriously doubt that you would finance your entire trip and accommodation in Macedonia, just so that you can be a volunteer, which keep in mind is unpaid.


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