Leadership in practice – Young Leaders of Macedonia

Deadline: 20 November 2010
Open to
: Young leaders (18-22) of the communities in Macedonia
: All costs (accommodation, board and public transportation) of the selected participants are covered by the organizer.
Venue/Dates: Ohrid, 17-19 December 2010

LEADERSHIP IN PRACTICE 2010: Developing Negotiation, Advocacy and Lobbying Skills of Young Leaders of Macedonia

The Institute for Strategic Research and Education (ISIE) is an independent, nonprofit think-tank, established in 2004 with the primary mission to encourage and facilitate the research for strategic problems in Macedonia and the broader region as well as informing and educating the citizens for the aforementioned problems and offering viable solution for them.

ISIE has a great honor to invite you to apply for our Leadership in Practice program.

Leadership in practice (LEAP) is a national inter ethnic youth project aimed at development of leadership capacity of young leaders (18-22) of the communities in Macedonia. Leadership in practice will take place on December 17-19, 2010 in Ohrid. Participants will arrive on December 17th and depart on the 19th December.  All costs (accommodation, board and public transportation) of the selected participants are covered by the organizer.

Additional information

During the event participants will have the opportunity to participate in workshops aimed at providing the participants with key strategic tools to help them succeed as community leaders and in organizational development, including: lectures, case studies and interactive exercises, minority advocacy, and strategic planning for action on specific issues. Besides that, the participants will have chance to prove their leadership, negotiations, advocacy and lobbying skills in an actual role-play simulation. The participants will be divided in mixed teams and assigned to play the role of one of the relevant stakeholders in the scenario. After the end of the event, participants will be expected to conduct a follow-up activity in their community. All activities will be conducted in English.

LEAP will gather a group of twenty outstanding young leaders from ethnically, politically and geographically diverse regions of Macedonia. The participants will be selected through an open call for applications based on their academic and community achievements. Selected applicants should have previous leadership experience.


  • Young leaders that show genuine interest in negotiations, advocacy and lobbying
  • Age between 18 and 22
  • Have good knowledge of English language
  • Readiness to conduct a follow-up activity in their community after the event and write an individual report. The organization of follow-up activities will be assisted by the organizer.
  • Motivation to stay in contact with the other participants after the event

How to apply

Please submit completed application form together with your CV not later than November 20, 2010 to the following email address isie@mail.org with “Leadership in Practice 2010” as the e-mail subject heading.

For additional information visit www.isie.org.mk.

You can download the application form here APPLICATION_FORM_LEAP

One thought on “Leadership in practice – Young Leaders of Macedonia

  1. Mar23Moris Dragi prijateliProcitav i mi se bsenidue sto bi reklo zargonski. Inaku sakam da vi napisam edna molba da se pozanimavate so makata na studentite na Praven a i drugite kolku sum informiran ne se nesto ponapred. Eve pocna vtor semestar i internet starnicite na praven moze da gi otvorite i da gi vidite SILABUSite za predmetite. So cest na isklucoci nema SIlabus po sekoj predmet, nema internet adresa na profesorot ili barem asistent, pa nema ni priemni denovi koga se na profesorite nekoja osnovna informacija. Ete na primer vo silabusite na nekoi profesori pisuva primen den vtornik a vo silabusot sreda i moze da se sluci da bacite vrata. Znaci edna inicijativa da se azuriraat stranite so dokumentite tamu, isto taka vo EKTS studenstkoto dosie figuriraat penzionirani profesori po predmeti koi gi predavaat drugi profesori . Nekoj treba da seden i da go sraboti toa sto se veli eden presek i azuriranje i tolku.Inaku nakgolem problem so ova imaat vonrednite studenti i onie vonrednite od Proekt 45. Zemes sloboden den i doagjas na univerzitet no se izmenila rabotata ne e kako vo silabusot, a informaciite se crpat od internet stranata. Dobro vonrednite studenti se soocuvaat i so drugi problemi na neinformiranost iako toa se kompenzira so druzenjeto so redovni studenti i so samoinicijativno otvoranje na Facebook na koj se adnuvaat site i se razmenuvaat informacii no toa e samoinicijativno i neorganizirano. Nekako na Praven , a ne e iskluceno i na drugite univerziteti koi imaat svoi stranici neseriozno se gleda na internet stranata za istata treba da se odredi nekoj postojano da ja azurira so informacii korisni za studentite pa makar bile od tipot deneska ke nema struja na Fakultetot. Studentite se gladni za informacii, a ne internet stranica koja e suvoparna i zavisi od voljata na asistentot i profesorot dali ke napise do EKTS za da objavat. Sepak treba toa da bide edno aktivno mesto na koe eden student bi mozel da se informira duri i za brojot na kabinetot na profesorot. Pa cenam deka ke go razgledate mojot komentar i mozebi od nekoj vas agol ke go iskoristite da se mrdne malku internet stranata napred so poveke informacii od korist za site i voedno nema da doagja do nepotrebni nedorazbiranja i dopolnitelni i dopolnitelni prasanja do profesorite i iasistentite po hodnici i kabineti. So ova sakam da vi kazam da posvetite edna strana na nekoi mali i sitni glavobolki so koi se soocuvaat vonredni i redovni studenti na univerzitetot se zaradi neorganiziranosta na fakultetot koj so malku poveke volja ke si ovozmozi poefektno i pofunkcionalno studiranje. Ete pozdrav i so zadovolstvo ve citam.

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