Online Course in Public Speaking at iversity

Deadline: 13 January, 2015
Open to: everyone worldwide who would like to boost their public speaking skills and learn techniques in preparing presentations and delivering ideas convincingly
Venue: on-line


‘Join the Talk & Spread the Word’ is a course developed by Homuork, in collaboration with professors from the Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF) in Barcelona and Public Speaking experts, that aims to explain techniques and provide resources that will aid you in preparing your presentations and delivering ideas convincingly.

Our public speaking is a key element of how we are perceived, both in professional and private environments: that is why it is so scary! For 6 weeks, participants will submerge themselves in the world of public speaking analyzing famous speeches through TED videos, political interventions or business gurus), will work on their individual weak spots, and improve drastically while having fun. Moreover, you’ll have the ability to put your learning in practice during the 1st Elevator Pitch Contest, which will be held in Spring 2015 in Barcelona!

Alexandra Maratchi (Homuork CEO) will lead the course, guiding you along a variety of techniques that help prepare, structure, rehearse and deliver a great speech. In addition, international experts and coaches in communication like Jeremey Donovan, Sebastian Lora and Jean-Roch Michel will jump in on various occasions to share their research, illustrate techniques and ensure you get a well-rounded view of the success factors in public speaking.

The course is taught in English, but there will be subtitles to help all MOOCers. The total workload will be about 2h/week, dedicated to watching video lectures, taking quizzes and completing recommended exercises.

What will you learn?

The course enables participants to learn tricks and tips to enhance their presentations and therefore feel comfortable while presenting. In addition to taking the course and exchanging with peers, it is expected that participants will develop an understanding of different communication styles which they can subsequently apply to their daily conversations.

No prior knowledge is necessary to take this course.

How to Enroll?

You can enroll for FREE at the iversity platform HERE. The course is to start in January 2015.

You can review the full course structure at the official webpage here.

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