Global Education and Youth Training of Trainers

Deadline: 30 July 2014
Open to: young people between 18-30 years old active in a youth organisation/platform or institution
Venue: 21-28 September 2014 in Mollina, Spain


The “3rd Global Education and Youth Training of Trainers”  is organised by the North-South Centre and the Network of Universities on Youth and Global Citizenship, and it will be held in Mollina, Spain from 21 to 28 September 2014.

The training is one of the activities being held in the 15th University on Youth and Development and will gather around 20 participants from different countries.

The training course has two main aims:

  • To empower young people to further support the practice of Global Education based on North-South Centre Global Education
    methodology and programme;
  • To develop competences of participants that are or will be actively involved in the implementation of the sister Universities.

The specific objectives of the course are:

  • To facilitate the development of competences and transfer of innovation in educational strategies with a collaborative learning approach;
  • To explore the philosophy and the implementation of both the Network of the Universities and e-learning courses in order to act as multipliers;
  • To understand the different contexts of implementation of global education.


In order to be considered eligible to apply you should:

  • Have an active role within a youth organisation/platform or institution;
  • Be between 18-30 years old;
  • Have some experience as a trainer/facilitator;
  • Have already some qualification or experience in terms of the network of Universities and/or international youth work and project work;
  • Be committed to attend the full duration of the course and be supported by one youth organisation;
  • Be able to work, communicate and report in English.


The organisers will cover accommodation and meals during the course. The North-South Centre will do its best to fully cover the travel cost of all the participants but co-funding arranged by participants or partners is welcomed. Selected participants will receive an invitation to participate from the North-South Centre in which the conditions for travel reimbursement will be outline.

The training will have a participation fee of 25 Euros.


Interested participants should send the application form and a recommendation letter from their organisation, via email to:

The deadline for submissions is 30 July 2014. The selection results will be announced by 13th August 2014.

For further information please check out the official call.

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