Paris-Sorbonne University


Paris-Sorbonne University was established as a separate institution in 1971, after the university reforms (Framework law drawn up by Edgar FAURE in 1968) were carried out and the University of Paris and its five faculties were split and then re-formed into thirteen interdisciplinary universities.
Before the university reforms took place, the premises of the Sorbonne were reserved for the Faculties of Arts and Human Sciences, but are now shared by the four newly established universities. These four universities have also dispersed their premises throughout Paris.

The true “successors” of the University of Paris have kept the Sorbonne name as part of their official title: Paris-Sorbonne (Paris IV), the New Sorbonne (Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris III), which is located mainly in the Censier buildings, and the Panthéon-Sorbonne (Paris I).
The Sorbonne premises also house part of the René Descartes University (Paris V) and the Chancellery (Education authority of Paris – rectorat de Paris).
Being the largest institution in France focusing on the Humanities, and more particularly Classical Studies, Paris-Sorbonne welcomes a total of about 23,000 students and offers BAs, MAs, doctorates, MBAs and teacher’s certification in many disciplines, under the supervision of 1200 faculty members.
Paris-Sorbonne University consists of the following departments: French and Comparative Literature, French Language Studies, Latin, Greek, Philosophy and Sociology, History, Geography and Urban Development, Art and Archeology, English, Germanic Studies, Iberian and Latin-American Studies, Italian and Romanian, Slavonic Studies, Applied Foreign Languages (LEA), Music and Musicology, ISHA (Applied Human Sciences), IRCOM (Modern Western Civilisations Research Institute), CELSA (Information and Communication), IUFM (Universitary Institute of Teacher’s Formation) and SUAPS (University of Sport and Physical Education Department).

How to apply


International students applying individually (not as part of the ERASMUS program or international agreements) to the Paris-Sorbonne University must take a French language exam or get a certificate (acknowledged by Paris-Sorbonne University) to confirm that they have passed a French language test. They also have to obtain a long-term visa.

Exchange students and scholarships

Paris-Sorbonne University participates in the Erasmus mobility program and other international cooperation agreements with partner universities.
Central Address:
Université Paris-Sorbonne (Paris IV)
1, rue Victor Cousin
75005 Paris/France

Official website


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