My EVS Life Photo Exibition

Deadline: 26 March 2013
Open to: all current or previous volunteers regardless of their country of origin
Award: promotion EVS and exhibit a photo in the most prestigious cinema in Belarus


The proposed project is part of EVS Pavel Danek’s idea, a volunteer in the youth organization “New Faces”. This organization helps in planning and coordinating the project. All youth organizations and EVS volunteers are more than welcome to participate.

This project aims to raise awareness about the EVS program in Belarus and consequently motivate Belarusian youngsters to take active part in mapping their future. It will be done with the help of a photo exhibition composed of photos made by EVS volunteers from various countries, presentations about the EVS program and a series of informational posters. The photo exhibition will take place from 10th – 24th May 2013, in “Кинотеатр Победа“/“Victory Cinema“.

Visitors of the exhibition will be able to get answers to these questions:

  • What is EVS?
  • How to become an EVS volunteer?
  • What are the things an EVS volunteer does on a daily basis?
  • What are the frequently faced problems encountered by an EVS volunteer?
  • What are the things in particular that an EVS volunteer treasures the most?


  • Raise awareness about the EU youth programs in general and EVS program in particular.
  • Promote volunteering and an active lifestyle.
  • Leading by example via motivating young Belarusians to take active part in planning their future.


All current or previous volunteers regardless of their country of origin are welcome to send in only one photo that in the best way characterizes their life in a foreign country. The photo should have a motivational and/or inspirational criterion in some way. Around 40 photos will be chosen. Afterwards, these photos will be printed in the 40 x 60 cm format and exhibited at the “Victory Cinema” during the European Cinema festival. This festival is part of celebrations dedicated to the Europe Day organized by EU Delegation to Minsk. “Victory Cinema” is probably the most prestigious cinema in Minsk. It has a total capacity of almost 500 people. Photos will be exhibited at the foyer of the cinema.


Why should you participate?

  • To promote EVS in a country where not many people are aware of this program.
  • To share one’s own experience with other people.
  • The possibility to exhibit one’s own photo in Belarus in the most prestigious cinema which will be visited by thousands of people during the festival. Total capacity of the “Victory CInema” is almost 500 people and the festival will be there for 14 days. During the previous year, most of were sold.
  • To motivate other young people to volunteer.


All photos in JPEG format should be send to:

Together with the photo, applicants should  also send:

  • His/her name.
  • Country of origin.
  • Country of EVS service.
  • Name of his/her project.
  • His/her E-Mail address (if he/she has a blog –it doesn’t matter in which language the blog is in – and wants to make it public, they can also send the link together as well)

The deadline for sending in the photos is 26th March 2013. Around 40 photos will be chosen. They will be chosen by EVS volunteers working in New Faces. Other EVS volunteers in Minsk will be conferred too.

The Official Call

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