The Alexia Foundation Photography Grants for Students

Deadline: February 1, 2013
Open to: Duly enrolled full-time students in an accredited college or university in the U.S. or abroad in a degree program at the time of application
Grant: The grant size differs for each winner


The Alexia Foundation provides educational opportunities and cash grants to help students produce picture stories that further the Foundation’s goals of promoting world peace and cultural understanding.  You are encouraged to consider stories that explore cultural understanding in or near you local community. While we do not discourage proposals on foreign topics, the judges give no extra weight to foreign topics, and indeed, think that you are more likely to complete a story near home than one abroad.  We welcome proposals for still photography projects or for multimedia projects.


Applicants must be duly enrolled full-time students in an accredited college or university in the U.S. or abroad in a degree program at the time of application. Graduate and undergraduate students are eligible. No student who has completed more than three internships or a year of full-time professional experience is eligible.


Undergrad and grad students are eligible, but there is only one First Place, one Second Place and three Awards of Excellence.

Undergrad awards

First Place if Winner is an Undergrad:
• Full tuition for study at the SU London Program for the Fall 2013 semester. Tuition is about $19,000.
• $1000 cash grant to help produce the proposed picture story.
• $300 gift card from Dury’s Photo for equipment and supplies.
• $500 will be awarded to the sponsoring academic department.

Second Place if Winner is an Undergrad:
• Half tuition for study at the SU London Program.
• $500 cash grant to help produce the proposed picture story.
• $250 gift card from Dury’s Photo for equipment and supplies.

Awards of Excellence: Three awards of excellence each receive
• $1500 to be used for tuition at the SU London Program, or for any Momenta Photo Workshop.
• $500 cash grant to help produce the proposed picture story.
• $150 gift card from Dury’s Photo for equipment and supplies.

Grad awards

First Place if Winner is a Grad:
• Grad students take only two courses in London. This award pays tuition for two classes during Fall, semester and program fees, up to a total of $15,000.
• $1000 cash grant to help produce the proposed picture story.
• $300 gift card from Dury’s Photo for equipment and supplies.
• $500 will be awarded to the sponsoring academic department.
Second Place if Winner is a Grad:
• Full tuition for two classes at the SU London Program in Fall, 2013.
• $500 cash grant to help produce the proposed picture story.
• $250 gift card from Dury’s Photo for equipment and supplies.

Awards of Excellence: Three awards of excellence each receive
• $1500 to be used for tuition at the SU London Program, or for any Momenta Photo Workshop.
• $500 cash grant to help produce the proposed picture story.
• $150 gift card from Dury’s Photo for equipment and supplies.

If winners cannot accept any portion of their awards, these awards may be offered to other winners at the discretion of the competition administrators. For more information about cost of study at SU in London see this link.

Application procedure

An application shall be composed of the following:

  1. A proposal of not more than 750 words for a photo story, picture essay, or photo-documentary project that explains your idea for a set of pictures that will promote world peace and cultural understanding. These may include projects already in progress. Anything over 750 words will be cut. Judges will only see the first 750 words. Do not put your name or other identifying information on your proposal. We judge the applications anonymously. Only one student application per person each year.
  2. A summary of the main idea of your project consisting of no more than 25 words.
  3. A portfolio of at least 10 and not more than 20 photographs. You must include at least one picture story. You may submit up to three picture stories, as long as the total number of photographs does not exceed 20. You may include single images. The photos do not have to, but may, pertain to your proposed story. All photographs not related to your story proposal must have been taken within the past two years. There is no time limit on pictures that relate to your story proposal. If you propose a multimedia project, please give URLs for no more than two multimedia presentations.
  4. A resume. Be sure to include your phone numbers and address. Also include names and phone numbers of three references on the resume. One should be your academic adviser. Do not send letters of recommendation.

To enter the application, submit the online application form. Entries are due by 5 p.m. EST, February 1, 2013. Be prepared with text files of your 750 word proposal and your resume, and have digital photo files formatted as medium-quality JPEG images at no more than 1024×768 pixels for landscape, or 768×1024 pixels for verticals (72dpi preferred). Each image must have a caption. We read captions from file info, or you can insert captions during the entry process.


Applications must be received by 5 p.m. EST, February 1, 2013.


If you are uncertain about any of these requirements, please contact David Sutherland at 315-443-3370 or by e-mail at (E-mail is preferred.)

Contact address
David Sutherland
The Alexia Competition
Professional division
S.I. Newhouse School of Communications
215 University Place
Syracuse NY 13244-2100.

Official website.

One thought on “The Alexia Foundation Photography Grants for Students

  1. Hi Lisa: Thanks for writing. I’ll send you one of my grant aipaicltpons as an example. You can cut and paste as you like. Your cause sounds worthy and you should be successful. The trick is applying to the right funding source. I would suggest for your group. They fund liberally and often and give only to schools. Good Luck! Ellen

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