The Buzz App Awards 2012

Deadline: July 11, 2012 (it was extended)
Open to: all application developers, whose apps  are live in the Apple App Store or in Google Play
Prize:  Reward for three app developers; they will share $10,000


Have you developed an app and want it to get noticed?  The Buzz App Awards is a contest to highlight and reward great mobile apps. This competition is accepting nominations for the Buzz App Awards 2012.
Through the contest, buzzdoes seeks to find the next great mobile app, which might otherwise go unnoticed in an overwhelmingly crowded market.


The contest is international. The Buzz App Awards 2012 is open to any developer with an offering available via the Apple App Store or Google Play. In addition, the application must include the buzzdoes SDK.


Three winners will share $10,000 in prize money, as well as receive featured buzzdoes marketing campaigns to expand their user bases. The prizes are the following:

  • 1st place will win $5000
  • 2nd place will win $3000
  • 3rd place will win $2000

All winners will get a free, featured buzzdoes campaign.


The application service for the contest can be found here. The registration to the contest is free of charge.
The deadline for sending applications was extended to July 11, 2012.

The Official Website

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