European Future of the Youth Conference

Deadline: 31 January 2012
Open to: All Interested
Venue: 7 February 2012, from 13:00 h – 14:30 h, at EU InfoCentre in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia


The conference “European future of the youth”, is organized by European Center SN7, a nongovernmental, non-profit and independent organization. Established in 2010, with headquarters in Tetovo, it works and operates throughout the territory of the Republic of Macedonia. The conference “European future of the youth” is an excellent opportunity to enhance your knowledge and strengthen your professional networks and is designed for anyone working with young people, volunteers or salaried, experienced or novice. Attendees join together to share ideas, experiences, views and their passion for a European and progressive future of the youth.

The Topics of Interest

  • The challenges of the youth
  • Youth unemployment and the impact of institutions
  • Youth and education: challenges and opportunities
  • Social rights of young generations
  • Young people: jobs, career and employment resources
  • Role of the youth in politics
  • Benefit of volunteering
  • The importance of the youth works
  • Cultural issues of the youth
  • Non-formal education for youth, women and adults


The call for papers/submissions is open to all interested. The conference is mainly dedicated to the people who are actively involved in the field of the non-governmental sector, non-formal education trainers, students, youth activists, youth workers, volunteers, young researchers, sociologists, psychologists etc.


The conference will take place on Tuesday 7 February 2012, from 13:00 h – 14:30 h, at EU InfoCentre in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. Working languages of the conference are Albanian language and Macedonian language. All papers accepted for and presented at this conference are eligible for publication on the next issues of the “NGO MAGAZINE”.


Papers/submissions by speakers will be considered on any related topics. The topics of the papers should be submitted by Tuesday, January 31, 2012. If a topic is accepted for the conference, a full draft paper should be submitted by Sunday, February 05, 2012. The guests should confirm their presence on the conference by Sunday, February 05, 2012. The guests will have the opportunity to express their views and opinions about issues related to the topics presented. The number of the participants is limited up to 8 speakers and up to 30 guests.

Please note: European Center SN7 is a nongovernmental and non-profit organization and thay are not in a position to be able to assist with conference travel or subsistence.


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