Eco Arts Awards, Visionary Innovations Using Ecology

Deadline: 30 November 2011
Open to: anyone with artistic talent
Prizes: a total of $6,000 in cash or $1,000 for the first place winner in each category

Eco Arts Awards is an annual competition to encourage more visionary innovations using ecology as a theme in six creative genres. While ecology is about recycling, and using re-purposed materials, it is also about social justice, living harmoniously, being better stewards of our planet, repair, mend, and fix, not only our environment but probably first and foremost ourselves? The meaning of ecology is infinite, the quest is vital. What better way to promote such an important topic than using one of our greatest resources, the creative mind. Literally anyone with artistic talent in the suggested creative mediums is eligible to enter.


Eco Arts Awards is an annual competition to encourage more visionary innovations using ‘Ecology’ as a theme in six distinct creative mediums: Fine Art, Functional Art, Photography, Songwriting, Poetry/Literature, and Short Videos. The definition of ecology is: “the interrelationship between all organisms and their environments.” All entries will be judged first and foremost on its thematic originality, secondarily on the specific qualities unique to its category and or genre.
1. Songwriting: What the world needs now is more songs about … the world!
Selection criteria to be a finalists, and or achieve first, second or third place will be:

* Orginality and impact of ecological theme,
* Lyrics,
* Melody,
* Arrangement,
* Production/Record Quality and vocal ability are not criteria.

2. Literature: This category includes, poetry, essays, short stories and novella’s. The recommended maximum word length for essays and or short stories or novella’s is 5,000 words.  Essay’s, can be academic or personal inquiry. Novella’s and shorts stories can be fact or fiction. Poems can be of any type.
Selection criteria for winning entries in the literature category will be:

* Thematic impact  (and relevance to ecological issues),
* Originality and artistry of voice, style, language and imagery,
* Technique (structure, language, poetic and literary devices).

3. Photography: Calling all photographers- professional and amateurs. We want to see the world through your lens. Eco Arts Awards is searching for unique visions and images that will have an impact on how we view our world, and perhaps inspire us to take better care of it- with all of its inhabitants.
The categories for photography are:

* Personal Vision (this includes a fine art approach and manipulated images will be accepted),
* Documentary/Journalism,
* Criteria for photography awards,
* Thematic impact (and relevance to ecological issues),
* Originality and artistry of expression, style, elements of the media and imagery,
* Technique (composition, artistic language and skills).

4. Fine Art: This category can include paintings, mixed media, drawings with any medium, sculpture, and or installations. Do not send more than one slide per 2 dimensional piece, and you can send up to 5 slides for 3 dimensional works. Selection criteria for winning entries in the functional art category will be:

* Thematic impact (and relevance to ecological issues)
* Original use of the media
* Technique particular to your chosen media
* Materials used; did you use recycled, repurposed material’s and non-toxic materials wherever possible?

5. Repurposed Materials in Art & Design: Calling all inspired artist who are using their hands and their creativity to express concern, hope and solutions for the fragile ecology of our planet. The types of materials you use are important- for instance are you using re-purposed materials wherever possible? There is only one category for Craft Works but the following types of crafts are suggested, weaving, fiber arts, ceramics, woodwork and jewelry.

Selection criteria:
* Thematic impact (and relevance to ecological issues)
* Originality and artistry of style and imagery
* Technique
* Materials (did you use recycled and earth friendly materials where possible).

6. Short Videos: Calling all videographers, ‘flippers’, wanna be and perhaps already are – film makers! We want to see your short story in film. If it was up to you to save the planet and were told the only way you could do it was via a short film, shot with your Flip – what would you shoot?
You can enter as many films as you wish.
Selection criteria:

* Thematic impact (and relevance to ecological issues),
* Originality and artistry of voice, style, elements, of the media and imagery,
* Technique (composition, skill, editing).


  • Literally anyone with artistic talent in the above creative mediums is eligible to enter.
  • Eco Arts Awards anticipate getting professionals and amateurs artists of all ages.
  • You can enter as many different works as you wish.


The first place winner of each category will receive $1,000 in cash.
Prizes for People’s Choice, second and third place winners, and the overall Grand Prize winner of all categories will be announced.

Entry fee

The “Early Bird” entry fee is $25, if you submit your work(s) prior to 30 September 2011. After 30th September the regular entry fee is $30.

How to apply

1. Songwriting: Please use the upload field in the entry form to submit your entry. If you are mailing in a CD, please have all entries on one CD. Please make sure your CD is MP3 format. It is important to write out the lyrics for each song entered, double spaced. You can mail in your lyrics or upload on entry form. We are excepting all songs in any genre i.e. Rock, Pop, Country/Americana, Folk, Blues, etc.
2. Literature: All Literary entries must be typed in 12 point type and double spaced. Times Roman is the recommended font. Make sure your name, the title of your written work, your phone number and email address are included.
All literary pieces may be mailed to:
Eco Arts Awards
224 Aurora Drive
Asheville, N.C. 28805
You can also upload written works on our entry form.
3. Photography: Please send digital images of your works in JPEG format with a minimum width of 1440 pixels and a maximum of 2880 pixels. Make sure that you put a title and your name on each work, and on the entry form. You are allowed up to 200 words to describe your work.
4. Fine Art: Do not send more than one slide per 2 dimensional piece, and you can send up to 5 slides for 3 dimensional works. Our mailing address is:
Eco Arts Awards
224 Aurora Drive
Asheville, N.C 28805
You can also upload images from the entry form.  It is important to ZIP multiple images as we can only accept one item at a time. The image formats we will be using are jpeg, jpg and png. Your images should be  72 dpi.If you are using their online entry form and uploading please use one of the jpeg formats and if sending multiple images you must zip them, as they can only upload one item per entry.
5. Repurposed Materials in Art & Design: Please send digital images of your works in JPEG format with a minimum width of 1440 pixels and a maximum of 2880 pixels. If your work is three dimensional you may send up to four photos of the one work, otherwise if it is two dimensional please give us your best one shot! Make sure that you put a title and your name on each work, and on the entry form. You are allowed up to 200 words to describe your work, and the materials you used, this will be available on the entry form.
6. Short Videos: Any video entry must be hosted by Youtube. Please use the youtube video link field in the entry form.
The Application form.

The Official Website

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