Internship for Roma Graduates, Budapest

The Decade of Roma Inclusion Secretariat Foundation in Budapest announces a three-month long internship for Budapest-based Roma university graduates from Decade member countries.

Duration: three-month long internship starting from February 15, 2010
2nd February, 2010

Who can apply:
Roma university graduates from the member states of the Decade of Roma Inclusion 2005-2015, which includes Albania, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia and Spain. Applicants from Moldova, Ukraine and Turkey may be also considered.

Working conditions:
·  Decade Secretariat is not able to provide and pay accommodation, arrange visa and health insurance for the intern
·  Relevant infrastructure (office space, computer, etc) is provided by the Decade Secretariat in its premises

The internship grant:
EURO 500/month for daily subsistence

Required application documents: (Please submit all documents in English)
·  Europass CV; the template can be downloaded here
·  One recommendation letter – from a previous supervisor or current academic who is familiar with the candidate’s abilities
·  One A4 page motivation letter explaining the relevant professional and educational background, the reasons for your interest in the internship opportunity at the Decade of Roma Inclusion Secretariat Foundation

Please send your application by e-mail, regular mail or fax, by 4:00 p.m. on February 2, 2010, at the latest, to:

Ms. Tunde Buzetzky
Decade of Roma Inclusion Secretariat Foundation
Károly krt. 11,
H-1075 Budapest


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