Think About It: International Blogging Competition on Water

Deadline: 14 March 2011
Open to: Journalists, students and bloggers
reporting trip to Portugal in April 2011

TH!NK ABOUT IT is a series of blogging competitions organized by the European Journalism Center. Following the completion of the TH!NK4 Climate Change competition, the European Journalism Center is proud to introduce an appropriate offshoot of the topic with this rounds TH!NK5 Water competition.  Journalists, students and bloggers are invited to use the competition’s online platform to share their thoughts on water and everything surrounding it, as World Water Day (22 March 2011) approaches.


Journalists, students and bloggers


Online registration
You must register by submitting one blog post to the platform. This will then be automatically submitted as your first competition blog entry. Once you receive your log-in details after registration you will have full access to the online platform where you can blog on issues related to water and World Water Day


Reporting trip to Lisbon, in April 2011
* 20 winners from EU27 member states, Croatia, Macedonia, Turkey, Iceland, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia and Kosovo
* 4 additional winners from all other countries not mentioned above


Official Webpage

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