Ottomans/Turks in Conflict Seminar, US

Deadline: 10 January 2011
Open to: graduate students and recent PhDs
Dates and Venue: 29-30 April 2011, Columbia University, US
Allowance: accommodation, meals for 2 days, travel expenses (up to $300 for domestic travel and $600 for international)

Columbia University’s Seminar in Ottoman and Turkish Studies presents:

Graduate Student Workshop: Ottomans/Turks in Conflict, 1800-2010: New Approaches
April 29-30, 2011

Sponsored by Columbia University’s Middle East Institute and University Seminars

Proposals are invited from graduate students and recent PhDs (dissertation completed after May 2008) for an intensive two-day workshop at Columbia University around the theme of “Ottomans/Turks in Conflict.” Papers, which will be pre-circulated, could focus on any type of conflict–—political , social, cultural/intellectu al, economic, domestic or international— –involving Ottomans and/or Turks from approximately 1800 until the present. Preference will be given to projects that illuminate new types of conflict, and/or that view previously debated conflicts in new ways, from new vantage points, or in a new comparative framework. Day 1 of the workshop will focus on the 1800-1923 period, and Day 2 will turn to Republican Turkey. Selected papers will be presented and discussed by fellow presenters as well as several senior scholars who will be in attendance to serve as discussants.


Possible topics could relate to:

  • Inter-imperial rivalries in the long-nineteenth century and their consequences for specific localities/actors/ social groups in Ottoman realms
  • Cultural/literary production, intellectual movements, conflicts/debates over language, regionalism, or cultural forms in late Ottoman and Republican periods
  • Military conflict and its causes/repercussions
  • Competing ideologies in late Ottoman and Republican periods
  • Conflicts within and around “minority” groups in the late Ottoman and Republican periods
  • Conflicting responses to change and continuity throughout the 19th and 20th centuries
  • Conflicts over national identities, successful and unsuccessful


Accommodation near the Columbia campus and meals for two days and two nights will be provided by the organizers, and participants will be reimbursed for their travel expenses (up to $300 for domestic travel and $600 for international) .


Please send short proposal-abstracts (250 words) along with a brief bio (with “Ottomans/Turks in Conflict proposal” in the title line of the email) by January 10, 2011 to:

Contact person

Christine Philliou
Assistant Professor
Department of History
Columbia University
1180 Amsterdam Avenue
New York, NY 10027

The official webpage.

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