Meet your dream universities online at the Access Masters Online Event!

Deadline: 10 May 2021
Open to: 18-25 years old from Turkey, Serbia, Albania and North Macedonia
Benefits: workshops and presentations, access to the 2020 Access Masters Guide


Want to get hired at your dream job? Make new friends? Have a unique student experience?
The international Master’s degree is the answer you’re looking for!

Access Masters invites you to an interactive online event on May 11th when you can get information from top business schools from around the world. Here’s what to expect on the event day:

• Personal meetings with admission advisers from Hult International Business School Nottingham Trent University WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management Burgundy School of Business Grenoble Ecole de Management, and many more• Personalised guidance for your Master’s application on the spot
• Useful test preparation workshops and presentations
• Learn how to win scholarships and finance your Masters studies
• Gain exclusive access to the 2020 Access Masters Guide
• All online attendees are entitled to a free 30-minute orientation session on
• Win one of 10 application fee refunds
• Enter a draw for a EUR 1,000 scholarship
• Free Consulting session for Application preparation from Egitimal

Anyone who joins the online event participates in a special lottery. Maybe you’re a lucky participant who’ll get a 1,000 euro scholarship!

3 words that sum up this unique opportunity

Diverse. So many options to choose from! Business, management, marketing, finance. Close to home, abroad, or a new, faraway destination. You pick what works best for you.
Flexible. Are you still figuring out your agenda this year and next year? The best Master’s programmes have full-time, part-time, and online options to help you stay flexible.
Safe. Whatever you choose for your grad school studies, safety is your top priority. The online event format has everything you need to find the right Master’s while staying safe at home.


Personal meetings with admission advisers from SKEMA Business School, INSEAD Business School, ESSEC Business Schoo, Hult International Business School, University of Nottnigham, and many more .

Personalized guidance for your Master’s application on the spot.

Useful test preparation workshops and presentations.

Learn how to win scholarships and finance your Masters studies.

Gain exclusive access to the 2020 Access Masters Guide .

All online attendees are entitled to a free 30-minute orientation session on .

Win one of 10 application fee refunds • Enter a draw for a EUR 1,000 scholarship.

How to apply?

Save your spot! Get started today on Access Masters. Register for free!

Apply to:

Official Website: