Summer Programme for Astronomy students

The 2010 Summer Research Programme of ASTRON and JIVE enables astronomy students (graduate or advanced under-graduate) to spend the summer (10 to 12 weeks) at the Dwingeloo Observatory, conducting astronomical research under the supervision of staff members.

Possible topics of study include radio galaxies and quasars, aspects of observational cosmology, continuum and line emission/absorption from normal and starbust galaxies, faint radio sources, pulsars, molecular clouds, cosmic magnetism, as well as working with LOFAR data from the first stations. The actual project the successful candidate will work on will be defined after arrangement with the local supervisor.

ASTRON operates the 2.7 km Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope (WSRT) used largely for precision mapping at wavelengths from 3.6 to 92 cm and constructs the new digital LOFAR telescope which promises to revolutionize low-frequency radio astronomy. JIVE operates the European VLBI Network’s 16 station VLBI Data Processor and is leading the development of real-time e-VLBI in Europe.

The research grants will provide successful candidates with accommodation in the locality of the Observatory, a modest stipend for up to three months, and full travel reimbursement. We expect the participants to begin early June 2010. If this is not possible please indicate why. We aim for as much overlap of the participants as possible and encourage interaction between the students in social activities.

An application form can be downloaded here (.doc/ .pdf ). This form should be completed in full and sent by e-mail to IN ADDITION, two letters of reference must be sent to this same e-mail address before the due deadline on February 1st, 2010. The letters of reference can be sent by the referees direct or via the applicant. The application and reference letters can also be sent by post to the address below.

Attn. Mrs. Sandra Mellema
P.O. Box 2
7990 AA Dwingeloo
The Netherlands
phone: +31-(0)521-595-100
fax: +31-(0)521-595-101

More info HERE

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