OSF Year-long Internship for Teachers, UK

Deadline: 17 December 2010
Open to:
teachers or students training to be teachers from the Central and Eastern Europe of the following subjects: Mathematics, Sciences, Information Technology, Design and Technology, Art , Music, Physical Education and Sport, Junior Classes. There are occasionally vacancies for teachers of French, German, Spanish or History and Geography
at least £177.90 per week throughout the year
Costs and fees:
travel expenses to and from the UK, a contribution of contribute £750 to cover a part of the costs incurred directly for their benefit (which means £15 a week)

HMC Projects in Central and Eastern Europe: an opportunity for teachers to spend a year in the UK as assistent teachers during the academic year 2011-2012.

Applications are invited from teachers or university students training to be teachers who are nearing the end of their course to spend one year in a British Independent School as Assistant Teachers.

Aims: To provide teachers with the opportunity to gain experience of the British educational system, to understand something of the British way of life and to gain a greater command of English.

Recruitment: Teachers of the following subjects are most easily placed:
Mathematics, Sciences, Information Technology, Design and Technology, Art , Music, Physical Education and Sport, Junior Classes. There are occasionally vacancies for teachers of French, German, Spanish or History and Geography, and possibly for teachers of English, who generally assist with teaching the language to students from overseas, but these teachers should normally offer at least one other subject.

Most vacancies are for secondary teachers (pupils aged 11-18) but some vacancies do exist also for teaching younger pupils (aged 7-13) and occasionally for kindergarten).

Essential Qualities
* having a good knowledge of English: ability to communicate easily but total fluency is not essential if you are willing to learn quickly
* competent in subject area(s)
* willing to gain experience in a residential situation
* friendly and outgoing attitude
* adaptable in unfamiliar situations
* able to integrate easily and work in a team
* confident and independent
* hardworking, willing and highly motivated
* ready to supervise sports and contribute to extra-curricular activities (expertise in a sport, music, drama or other activity would be welcome but not essential)
* having a commitment to share the experience with others on returning home.

Accommodation: This is generally provided by the host school, usually in boarding houses where the teacher will act as a resident tutor for boarding children.

Food: Will normally be provided during term-time and usually involves eating with other resident tutors and school boarders.

Dependants: The allowance and accommodation are not sufficient for dependants. Applicants must be prepared to go alone, although short visits from dependants, partners or spouses during the holidays may be possible after negotiation with the school.

Remuneration: Teachers will not receive a full teacher’s salary but will be paid not less than £177.90 per week throughout the year, from which a small sum may be deducted by the school for accommodation and meals taken in school. Teachers will also have to pay a small contribution to National Insurance, for access to free treatment under the National Health Service for all medical needs except dental treatment, which is not covered.

Travel Expenses: selected candidates cover their own travel expenses to and from the UK.

Fees: Teachers whose applications are successful and who take up places in British schools will be asked to contribute £750 to cover a part of the costs incurred directly for their benefit. This amounts only to about £15 per week. We do not require the total sum in advance but accept the payment in two parts, the first £375 being due by 1 December, 2011 and another £375 by 1 March, 2012. Money does not have to be transferred to the UK in advance, as teachers can wait until they have been paid by their schools.

This salary should leave you with enough money for your own use after the costs of accommodation and food have been met. This should be sufficient for you to join friends when they go out to go to the theatre or a football match, to buy clothes in the sales and to travel to interesting places in the country. Our aim is for you to be able to make the best use of your time in Britain, although you may find many items expensive.

Applications should include a full curriculum vitae (including postal address and e-mail address), a covering letter indicating the reasons for applying and any special interests, talents or hobbies, and a photocopy of your degree certificate. Applicants should also include letters of recommendation from two referees.

Interviews will be arranged by the coordinator in each country. These will probably take place during the period end of January to early March 2011. Applicants will normally be informed if they have been successful during the period mid-April to end-May.

Orientation Course: Successful candidates will be invited to attend an orientation course at Fitzwilliam College in Cambridge from 2-5 September 2011 for all teachers and scholars from Central and Eastern Europe. They should travel to the UK on 2 September unless they are required to join their schools before then in the event of an earlier start to the school year.

Application Form: form-hmc-stip-11-12.doc
Please return your complete application by December 17, 2010 to:
Nadace Open Society Fund , Zdenka Almerová, Seifertova 47, 130 00 Praha 3, ”teachers”

The official webpage.

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