Apply to Be An ivoh Restorative Narrative Fellow

Deadline: 28 November 2016
Open to: media practitioners of all kinds — photographers, journalists, gamers, documentary filmmakers, marketers and those working at the intersection of media and the arts
Fellowship: includes a stipend of USD 2,500, high-level coaching, training workshops, speaking opportunity, ongoing recognition and support from ivoh


The media plays an important role in telling stories about tragedies, trauma, and communities or individuals who are facing adversities. And yet, too often, these are the main stories we see and hear from the media. Images & Voices of Hope is working to change that — by providing media practitioners with an opportunity to tell stories about how people and communities are finding hope, resiliency and restoration in the aftermath or midst of difficult times.

ivoh’s fellowship is an extension of the organization’s work around Restorative Narrative — a genre of stories that show how people and communities are making a meaningful progression from a place of despair to a place of resilience. The fellowship, which will run February 1 through August 1, will provide five fellows with a stipend to spend six months telling Restorative Narratives in various communities. As a fellow, you’ll have the opportunity to help change media — and the people and communities that media serves — for the better.


  • Media practitioners of all kinds — photographers, journalists, gamers, documentary filmmakers, marketers and those working at the intersection of media and the arts;
  • Both freelancers and employed media practitioners can apply;
  • Freelancers will be required to find a home for their projects, while those employed at media organizations can work on their fellowship project with the intent of publishing it on their organization’s website;
  • ivoh requests permission to republish the work in its entirety – or if that’s not possible, a condensed version of it.


The fellowship provides:

  • A stipend:  USD 2,500 stipend for financial support and to cover costs associated with their work for the fellowship. These costs may include travel, data analysis, research expenses, and more;
  • High-level coaching: six months, fellows will receive storytelling coaching from Jacqui Banaszynski, a Pulitzer prize-winning journalist, longtime editor, and a professor at the University of Missouri;
  • Training workshops: a chance to learn more about the restorative narrative genre, receive feedback on their projects, and engage in 1:1 coaching sessions with Jacqui. The first training workshop will be held in ealy March, and the second will be held in timing with ivoh’s annual media summit in late June;
  • Speaking opportunity: to present their projects and share lessons learned during ivoh’s annual media summit, which attracts media practitioners from around the world;
  • Ongoing recognition and support from ivoh: part of a growing cohort of Restorative Narrative Fellows from around the world. You will be introduced to past fellows and the larger ivoh community, which is comprised of individuals who care about how the media can help strengthen and empower people and communities

How to apply?

If you are interested in applying, fill out the online application HERE. Applications are accepted through November 28.

For more information please visit the official website.

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