The European Convention of Human Rights, Italy

10th – 14th January 2011, Italy

Deadline: 20/11/2010

Bologna University announce opening of winter course “The European Convention of Human Rights: mechanism of protection and rights of migrants”, which will take place in January 2011.

The course aims to focus on two topics:
1. the functioning mechanism of the European Convention of Human Rights (submission of an application, conditions of admissibility, Court’s evaluation, judgments’ effects, surveillance mechanism on judgments’ implementation)
2. The role of the ECtHR on the protection of migrants and of people without a nationality

The detailed programme will be available on the site of the faculty from September 2010.

Technical information
Languages: French and English
Total amount of hours: 30 / 35
Credits: 3

Cost and scholarship
* Tuition fees: 300 Euros (with accommodation and coffee break included) or 200 Euros (only coffee break included).
* A tuition fees reduction (200 Euros maximum) may be awarded according to merits and personal financial conditions.

Application procedure
All interested participants should fill in and submit the application form.

If a tuition fees reduction is required, the following documents should be attached:
1. Detailed motivation letter
2. Curriculum vitae
3. A certificate providing financial conditions as indicated by the winter school programme

The application form and the other documents should be sent to Cristina Contartese to:

or sent to the following address:

Cristina Contartese
Facoltà di Scienze Politiche “Roberto Ruffilli”
Via Giacomo Della Torre n. 1 – Forlì (Italy)

The application deadline is 20th November 2010.

More detailed info

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