Mercedes-Benz Global Fellowship

Deadline: 5 March 2023
Open to: residents of Denmark, Germany, Hungary, India, Poland, South Africa, Spain, Sweden or the UK
Benefits: beVisioneers training curriculum, access to the beVisioneers online community…


Mercedes-Benz is funding a global fellowship that will provide training and scholarships to thousands of young people from around the world to implement their projects in the areas of environmental sustainability and decarbonization. To provide the seed money for the fellowship, Mercedes-Benz auctioned the world’s most valuable car, a 1955 SLR Uhlenhaut Coupé, for a record price of €135 million.

Mercedes-Benz will fund the programme year for year by way of donations and additionally act as the title sponsor. The DO School Fellowships, a German non-profit organization, developed the concept for beVisioneers and is now implementing it.

Following a first call for fellow applications in January 2023, beVisioneers will be launched in June 2023 with an initial cohort of fellows from three regions: India, South Africa and some European countries (Germany, Poland, Hungary, Denmark, Sweden, Spain, UK).


Eligible fellows:

  • are between the ages of 16 and 28 at the time of applying
  • reside in Denmark, Germany, Hungary, India, Poland, South Africa, Spain, Sweden or the United Kingdom
  • show a strong dedication to positive environmental change
  • demonstrate entrepreneurial spirit, including persistence, resilience and determination
  • show leadership in their communities
  • have an early-stage project or project idea for positive environmental impact in one or more of the target countries
  • may not work for, or have a parent or guardian who works for, Mercedes-Benz


Participation in the program is fully funded by a donation from Mercedes-Benz. All fellows benefit, free of charge, from the beVisioneers training curriculum and from access to the beVisioneers online community. All expenses associated with travel to summits are covered.


For more information, visit the official website.