EUI School of Transnational Governance Policy Leader Fellowship

Deadline: 22 February 2021
Open to: early- to mid-career professionals
Benefits: € 2,500 per month


The European University Institute STG’s Policy Leader Fellowship is a global program providing a unique opportunity for policy professionals from around the world to further develop their policy work and professional skills whilst participating in workshops, training and skills development sessions, conferences and other events, in addition to interacting with the other fellows, policy makers and the academic community at the EUI.

The main role of the Policy Leader Fellows is to enhance their policy work and leadership potential; to present their work and communicate effectively and intelligently with a wide range of different audiences locally and globally; and to make a lasting effect in their respective fields. Policy Leader Fellows are expected to be self-driven and able to define their own targets, networks and alliances.

The fellowships last for five (fixed term in the first or second semester) or ten months (fixed term from September to the end of June). Fellows who come to Florence for five months give a presentation of their work in progress to the STG community and later to a broader policy audience; produce at least one article/blog post and/or policy brief/paper; may contribute to STG training, and engage in seminars and workshops at the EUI and with other stakeholders.

They expect the Fellows will be publishing and appear at events and in the media during the fellowship period. Fellows who join STG for ten months are expected to do all of the above while also working on major transnational projects with the potential of breakthrough, having a substantial ‘multiplier’ effect in the given policy field, often in collaboration with other institutions, civil society organisations, media and donors.


  • Open to early- to mid-career professionals (e.g. in civil service, media and non-governmental organisations, business, public management, advocacy coalitions);
  • Able to demonstrate both professional experience and potential for future excellence in the policy process;
  • Genuinely engaged individuals involved in policy issues, especially those related to transnational governance;
  • Self-motivated, able to present a clear work plan for the use of the fellowship;
  • Curious and engaged contributors. Fellows are expected to be part of the EUI community on a daily basis and to participate in peer discussions on topics which may be beyond their expertise;
  • Fluent in written and spoken English.


  • The fellowship is fully-funded with a grant of € 2,500 per month. A family allowance is available where appropriate.
  • Fellows (but not their families) receive reimbursement for the incoming trip from their place of origin to Florence, and for the outgoing trip to their destination at the end of their fellowship.
    • First-class rail (travel by car is also reimbursed on this basis)
    • Economy class air fare
  • The maximum amount for travel reimbursement amounts to €1,200 including both incoming and outgoing trip. Taxi expenses are not reimbursed.


For more information, visit the official website.