Balkans, Let’s Get Up! – Summer School on Social Transformation

Deadline: 7 August 2017
Open to: persons aged 18-27, coming from Kosovo, Macedonia, Serbia, Albania, Montenegro
Venue: 17 – 21 August 2017, Prishtina -Kosovo


Balkans, let’s get up! is launching the Summer School onSocial Transformation” with the aim of bringing together self and surrounding aware individuals who are driven by the idea on social mobility.

Summer School is taking place in Prishtina, Kosovo during August 17-21, 2017. The working language is English.


In the process, we are welcoming:

  • 15-20 youth from Kosovo, Macedonia, Serbia, Albania, Montenegro aged 18-27, of various professional, regional, ethnic and ideological backgrounds, aiming to find creative methods of becoming a social change maker;
  • Backgrounds and experience on international youth programs is not required, but welcomed.


All expenses for accommodation, food and travel will be covered by the organizers. You as participant would have to pay a symbolic participation fee in the amount of 20 EUR.

How to Apply?

In order to apply fill in the application form.

For more information please visit the official website.

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