National Research Council of Canada Fellowships

Deadline: 23 April 2017
Open to: candidates should have obtained a PhD (or equivalent) within the past three years (PhD received on or after July 1, 2014) or expect to complete their PhD by September, 2017
Fellowship:  current annual PhD recruiting rate is USD 64,437


The NRC is excited to announce a new initiative to bring up to ten postdoctoral fellows (PDFs) to work alongside our internationally recognized research leaders. The program will offer PDFs access to unique world-class facilities and the opportunity to work alongside multi-disciplinary teams of expert researchers and technicians on projects of critical importance to CanadaPDFs will carry out research on innovative research projects, with opportunities for career development (publications and/or industry interaction).


  • Fellowships will be for two years contingent on satisfactory progress achieved during the first year;
  • Candidates should have obtained a Ph.D. (or equivalent) within the past three years (Ph.D. received on or after July 1, 2014) or expect to complete their Ph.D. by September 2017. To be eligible, a candidate will be required to submit their CV, three publications, a statement of interest for each project to which they wish to apply, and send the names of three references with contact information;
  • Fellows will work in a lab under the direct supervision of an NRC researcher.


PDFs will be offered appointments to the staff of the National Research Council on a term basis and will be offered salaries and benefits currently available to Research Officers. Salaries commensurate with experience are taxable and subject to other deductions. As a guide, the current annual Ph.D. recruiting rate is USD 64,437. In addition, PDFs will be allocated a travel fund to support their work.

How to apply?

In order to apply please register here.

For more information please visit the official web page.

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