Research Stay Fellowships at “Artes Liberales Institute” in Warsaw

Deadline:  30 June 2016
Open to: scholars from Belarus, Moldova, Russia, Ukraine
Fellowships: monthly allowance of USD 2,000


Research stay is offered within the Open Society Foundations Global Dialogues project. The purpose of the FIAL project is to support the development of the milieu of academics and researchers (coming from Belarus, Moldova, Russia, and Ukraine) active in the field of humanities and social sciences with special attention paid to the liberal arts education, as well as those who work interdisciplinarily between arts and sciences.

During their stay in Poland they will be able, on the one hand, to familiarize themselves with the Polish experience (especially in the higher education system and in the advantages of the interdisciplinary approach to research, learn and study), on the other hand, work on and discuss their own projects. They will be able to share and popularize the effects of their work after return to their native countries: the best results in the work might be reached via “small steps”.


Eligible for application are scholars from Belarus, Moldova, Russia, Ukraine who hold doctoral degree (or equivalent e.g. kandydat nauk).


Each fellow will receive monthly allowance of USD 2,000 (i.e. he/she will receive equivalent in Polish złotys, after taxation) to cover the costs of stay in Warsaw including accommodation. Additional costs will be available to cover each fellows’ trip to Warsaw and back (insurance is to be covered by a grantholder before getting Polish visa). Duration of the fellowship: 6 months – September 2016-February 2017.

How to apply?

Required documents:

  • Application form (personal data filled online);
  • Letter of motivation (please indicate how your fellowship will benefit for your current activity. Max. 2 pages. TNR not less than 12, interval not less than 1,5);
  • Description of the project (please indicate precisely what do you want to research during the fellowship. Max. 4 pages. TNR not less than 12, interval not less than 1,5);
  • CV with the list of publications;
  • Writing Sample (please send us max. two of your papers, preferably in English. We accept also papers in Belarusian, Polish, Russian, and Ukrainian. If your papers were prepared in other languages than indicated above, please provide us with texts in your own English translation);
  • Copy of the PhD Diploma or equivalent (copy of the original and notarized copy of the official translation into English, issued by sworn translator);
  • 2 letters of recommendation (electronic version must be send directly by your reference to foundation’s e-mail, given below).

The format of the electronic version of the documents is pdf. Hard copy of the documents send by post is also required. All the documents must be send not later than 30 June 2016. Please, send the documents to the following addresses:


Hard copy: postal address:
Fundacja “Instytut Artes Liberales”,
ul. Jaracza 10, lok. 28,
00-378 Warszawa, Poland

Contact person: Olha Tkachenko, coordinator of the project,

For more information please check the official call.

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