Research and Messaging Consultant at US Human Rights Network

Deadline: 1 April 2016
Open to: everyone who has knowledge in area human rights, writing and organization skills, experience with domestic human rights advocacy and social policy research
Remuneration: full-time one-year contract with the possibility of an extension with full benefits included


The US Human Rights Network is the largest network of organizations working to strengthen and grow a human rights movement and culture in the United States led by the people most directly impacted. With a dynamic membership of primarily grassroots organizations working on a range of issues including structural racism, sexism, policing, housing, health, education, immigration, reproductive justice, transgender justice, climate justice, water and sanitation, and more.

Tasks and responsibilities:

  • Identify and frame bold human rights demands that further member campaigns;
  • Engaging in research to support the feasibility of the demands;
  • Developing popular frames for human rights demands;
  • Writing messaging documents with relevant research;
  • Disseminate the messaging on a common human rights vision and radical demands;
  • Working with artists to disseminate messaging using art, graphics, music, and story-telling;
  • Rapid response messaging on issues that the USHRN Coordinating Center and members are already working on or that the USHRN Coordinating Center identifies as key;
  • Working with relevant USHRN staff and media placement agency to place media pieces that advance messaging;
  • Publishing messages in blogs, social media, opinion pieces, and factsheets.


  • At least five years experience working with grassroots campaigns to develop communications strategies and messaging;
  • Proven ability to develop strong messages for grassroots campaigns;
  • Experience in social policy research and writing;
  • Experience with domestic human rights advocacy;
  • Excellent writing skills, interpersonal and multi-cultural communication skills;
  • Solid organizational skills: the ability to work proactively and to multi-task in a fast-paced, demanding environment and under time pressures;
  • A demonstrated passion for, familiarity with, and commitment to human rights.


This position is a full-time one-year contract with the possibility of an extension. USHRN anticipates that we will develop 2-3 messages during the one year contract. Consultant is expected to work out of the New York office at least 3 days a week. Position includes full benefits.

How to apply?

Interested applicants should submit a cover letter, resume and writing sample as separate attachments. Please do not send a link for a writing sample. Applications should be submitted to

For more information, please visit the official website.

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