5th Lumix Festival for Young Photojournalism

Deadline: 31 January 2016
Open to: students and professional photojournalists under the age of 35
Awards: 10,000 EUR/5,000 EUR/1,000 EUR


Sixty (60) photojournalists will be invited to exhibit their work during the festival. The exhibitions accompany an attractive program which includes portfolio-reviews, lectures, panel-discussions, guided tours and a technique showroom. The Lumix festival aims to be a platform for discussions, a picture show and a talent forum that appeals to professional picture editors and an interested expert audience as well as those who simply love photography. It is organized by the photojournalism and documentary photography study course at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Hanover, in cooperation with the Association for the Promotion of Photography in Hanover and with the support of the German photojournalist association Freelens.


All students and professional photojournalists under the age of 35.


  • Freelens Award (EUR 10,000 );
  • Lumix Multimedia Award (EUR 5,000);
  • Lammerhuber Award (EUR 5,000);
  • Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung (HAZ) Audience Award (EUR 1,000).

How to apply?

In order to participate fulfill online application.

For more information, please visit the official website.

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