Apply for TC for Youth Leaders of the African Diaspora Living in Europe

Deadline: 12 October 2015
Open to: trainers of youth organisations and youth groups of African origin living in Europe and/or working/interested to work directly with African Diaspora youth
Venue: 8-15 November 2015, Nairobi, Kenya


The sixth Training Course will be organised by the North-South Centre of the Council of Europe in co-operation with the African Diaspora Youth Network in Europe (ADYNE). The Course will be organised in the framework of the 7th African University on Youth and Development, from the 8- 15 November 2015 in Nairobi, Kenya. The training course has two main aims:

  • To empower young people to further support the practice of Global Education (GE) based on NSC GE methodology and programme (Global Education Guidelines and online training courses);
  • To develop competences of participants that are actively involved in organizations of African Diaspora Youth Living in Europe and contribute to a network of qualified trainers in this field.


The participants in this course should be trainers of youth organisations and youth groups of African origin living in Europe and/or working/interested to work directly with African Diaspora youth. The course is open for residents of all member-states of the Council of Europe.

Concerning participants and their profile:

  • Should be from African origin or working/interested to work directly with the African diaspora youth community, playing an active role within a youth organisation, network or service at local, national or regional level, and plan to continue this work in the near future;
  • Aged between 18 and 30;
  • Have already some qualification or experience in terms of international youth work and proving training;
  • Be committed to attend the full duration of the course and be supported by a youth organisation or service;
  • Be able to present the context of their work, their way of tackling problems, the challenges they meet and identify;
  • Be able to work and communicate in English.

The selection process will take into consideration organisational, gender and geographical balance.


The North-South Centre will do its best to fully cover the international travel costs of all the participants. Selected participants will receive an invitation to participate from the North-South Centre in which the conditions for travel reimbursement will be outlined.

Local transfers from Nairobi International Airport will be organised by the partners of the 7 th African University on Youth and Development.

Board and lodging will be assured by the organisers for the entire duration of the course (including breakfast, lunch, dinner and two daily coffee-breaks). Participants will be accommodated in double/triple rooms.

It is expected that participants/background organisation support the expenses related with local transports in the home country and transit and visa charges.

How to apply?

All candidates fulfilling the criteria and interested to participate should send the enclosed application form to by the 12 October 2015.

A recommendation letter from the organisation clearly stating the added value and possible follow-up of the participation of the applicant in the training course should be sent (scan version) in the same email of the application form. This letter should be signed and stamped.

The selection results will be announced by 16 October 2015.

For more information please visit the official website.

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