PhD Position on Mobility in Context at Maastricht University

Deadline: 15 September 2015
Open to: talented researchers who have MSc degree in sociology and demography
Scholarship: salary of EUR 2,125 with a yearly growth to EUR 2,717, gross per month


Maastricht University has recently founded a new Institute for Transnational and Euregional Cross Border Cooperation and Mobility (ITEM). ITEM is an initiative developed by the interfaculty Maastricht Centre for Citizenship, Migration and Development (MACIMIDE), in cooperation with the province of Limburg and the municipality of Maastricht as part of the “Limburg Knowledge/Axis” cooperation.

This PhD project analyses the migration trajectories of immigrants in a border region context, with a specific focus on the province of Limburg. In the project they analyse the mobility pathways among migrants once they arrive in the destination context; whereas some stay, others move on, to another region in the Netherlands or abroad and, finally, again others may migrate, but return afterwards, or find themselves in an in-between cross-border life situation. They look at various types of immigrants, ranging from students, highly-skilled and unskilled labour migrants, family migrants and refugees, coming both from within the European Union and beyond.

The project focuses on migration trajectories in the context of individual life courses, legal status transitions (such as citizenship acquisition) and economic and demographic characteristics of border regions. PhD candidate is expected to start on 1 December.


  • A sociologist or demographer with an MSc degree and with affinity for the relation between public policy and society, or a political scientist with a strong interest in sociology and demography;
  • The successful candidate should have a strong background in statistical research methods.


  • Dynamic and challenging job in an internationally-oriented organisation where young people receive an advanced education and scholars conduct exciting research;
  • 4 year full-time appointment as PhD student;
  • The first year will be a probation period, after a positive assessment the position will be extended with another 3 years;
  • Your workload will be the normal workload for the position of PhD students. Currently this implies 80% research activities and 20% teaching activities;
  • You will be employed by the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Compensation will be according to standard salary levels for PhD students starting with a salary of EUR 2.125 with a yearly growth to EUR 2.717 gross per month (based on a full-time appointment);
  • Each year the standard salary is supplemented with a holiday allowance of 8% and an end-of-year bonus of 8.3%;
  • You have to be willing to move to (the vicinity of) Maastricht. If you do not already live in Maastricht (or its direct surroundings) you will be eligible for an allowance for moving costs and you might be eligible for an allowance for alternative housing;
  • Other secondary conditions include e.g. a pension scheme and partially paid parental leave. You will be provided with shared office space and a PC.

How to apply?

Candidates are invited to submit their application consisting of:

  • A letter of motivation stating the candidate’s qualifications and reasons for interest in the position;

  • A full CV, incl. the contact information of two referees (email, phone number, mailing address and relationship to the applicant);
  • A grade transcript of previous education at Master level;
  • A research proposal of max. 5 pages (incl. bibliography), outlining a proposed direction and methodology for the project (based on the short description).

Please send your application electronically to the Secretariat of the Faculty Office: The deadline for submitting your application is 15 September 2015.

Any inquiries about the position or the project may be addressed to:
Prof. Maarten Vink /
Prof. Hans Schmeets /

For more information please visit the official website.

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