Participate at NATO – Jean Monnet Advanced Study Institute at Yalta, Crimea

Deadline: 1 March 2014 for the NATO scholarship, 20 March 2014 for the Jean Monnet Scholarship
Open to: young scientists, policy-makers and representatives of civil society at post-doctoral level or about to obtain a PhD primarily from the NATO member states and Partner countries
Venue: 15-21 May 2014, Yalta, Crimea, Ukraine


The International Association for Institutional Studies (Ukraine) in partnership with Birmingham University (UK) will host the 2014 NATO – Jean Monnet Advanced Study Institute at Yalta, Crimea, Ukraine between Thursday, 15 May and Wednesday, 21 May 2014. This year’s Advanced Study Institute is co-funded by The NATO Science for Peace and Security Programme and Jean Monnet Programme of the European Union and will focus on ‘Enhancing Strategic Analytical Capabilities in NATO Partner Countries: Security Cooperation and the Management of Current and Future Threats in Europe’s Strategic Orbit’.

The aim of this Institute is to introduce the spirit and form of a truly interactive and meaningful collaboration between representatives of academic, policy and civil society communities from EU and NATO member states and partner countries in order to increase the quality of higher education in the area of European and Euro-Atlantic security, develop research-led teaching by promoting independent and critical thinking, empowerment of the academics as agent of change and applying new research and teaching tools from an interdisciplinary and cross-cultural perspective.

Advanced Study Institute 2014 will be organized as a rigorous six-day academic interdisciplinary programme structured around lectures, interactive presentations, case studies, round-tables and simulation games. First, activities are aimed at identification of effective cooperative security responses and recommendations based on individual case studies and structured comparison. Second, the Advanced Study Institute will enhance the linkage between research, policy-making and teaching in human and societal aspects of security studies, in particular, in human-focused early warning and early response systems by enabling the participants to critically reflect on their current relevant action plans, research projects and teaching courses and thereby to implement newly obtained knowledge in their policy-making, research and teaching practice.

There are two types of scholarships available:

  • NATO scholarship: May be granted to PhD students or recent post-docs from NATO member states and Partner countries. Selection criteria include high-quality research and teaching potential, motivation and long-term interest in the topic.
  • Jean Monnet scholarship: May be granted to participants from Ukraine. There is no age limit, but the organizers will give preference to the junior faculty (PhD holders or PhD students at the advances stage of their research) with a strong background in International Relations and European Studies, including Security Studies.


Young scientists, policy-makers and representatives of civil society at post-doctoral level or about to obtain a PhD primarily from the NATO member states and Partner countries are the Institute target group. The target age group is about 27-35 years old.


  • NATO scholarship: Scholarships cover costs of hotel accommodation (twin room, half board). Exceptionally, a limited number of participants may receive partial compensation of travel expenses. No registration fee will be charged to participants.
  • Jean Monnet scholarship: Scholarships cover costs of hotel accommodation (twin room, half board). Registration fee: 100 EUR.

Interested persons who do not meet the requirements for full participation in the ASI may be admitted on self-paid base. Participation fee is 650 EUR (hotel accommodation – single rooms, half board and organizational expenses).


When you apply for a NATO scholarship, please enclose:

  • Short curriculum vitae (date of birth should be provided);
  • List of publications;
  • One sample of writing not exceeding 20 double-spaced pages pertinent to the topic of the Institute (in English);
  • Statement of purpose to Prof. Tetyana Malyarenko (e-mail:

Deadline for submitting the application: March 1, 2014. Notification of the participants about the accepted applications: March 20, 2014.

When you apply for a Jean Monnet scholarship, please enclose:

  • Short curriculum vitae, including list of publications;
  • Statement of purpose;
  • Abstract of 500 words to Prof. Tetyana Malyarenko (e-mail:

Deadline for submitting the application: March 20, 2014. Notification of the participants about the accepted applications: April 1, 2014.

Course directors:

Prof. Tetyana Malyarenko
Professor of International Security
Faculty of Public Administration
Donetsk State University of Management, Ukraine

Prof. Stefan Wolff
Professor of International Security
Director of Research and Knowledge Transfer, College of Social Sciences
Department of Political Science and International Studies
School of Government and Society, University of Birmingham, UK

Check the official call.

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