Indigenous Voices in Asia Awards

Deadline: 25 November 2013
Open tomedia professionals who have made exemplary reporting related to indigenous peoples’ issues, based in any part of Asia
Prize: cash award of US $1,000


Indigenous peoples remain among the most marginalized and vulnerable groups as they have been largely excluded from the mainstream development procedure.  The Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact (AIPP) with funding support from the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) is organizing the Indigenous Voices in Asia (IVA) Awards to acknowledgment the media professionals who devoted their time, talent, and efforts to cover the real situations and issues of the indigenous peoples in print, radio, television, online and, documentary film.

The aim of IVA awards is to encourage thorough reporting on indigenous peoples’ issues by the media professionals. Specific objectives of this award are to:

  • Recognize the contribution of media institutions and individuals in making the general public aware of, and perhaps sensitive to, the rights and issues of indigenous peoples at the national and international levels
  • Strengthen linkages between indigenous peoples and the media at large
  • Bring indigenous issues into public discourse
  • Promote awareness for the protection of indigenous peoples’ rights


The IVA-Media Awards are meant for media professionals who have made exemplary reporting related to indigenous peoples’ issues, such as aspects of society, politics, culture, and related overall rights. The awards are opened to all journalists, reporters and media professionals from radio, television, print, documentary, and online media. One outstanding reporting award and two special recognition awards will be given to media professionals, who have made the most outstanding reporting on IP rights and IP issues between November 2012 and November 2013. Journalists can be based in any part of Asia; however, their works must have been broadcasted, printed or somehow accessible to audiences.


  • Cash award of US $1,000 for Outstanding Reporting Award
  • Certificate from the awarding body (AIPP)
  • Cash award of US $300 for Special Recognition Award
  • Special preference will be given to attend AIPP’s IVA’s regional programmes
  • Receive AIPP publications free
  • Promotion of his/her work by AIPP.


Download the Award Nomination Form HERE. Add all the supporting documents and media materials mentioned in the Award Nomination Form (Save them in one CD) and a printed copy of completed nomination form into ONE PACKAGE, and submit it to the AIPP Secretariat (see mailing address below), personally delivered or postmarked on or before midnight of 25 November, 2013 (Monday).


Dipta Chakma/Khun Aung
IVA Award Programme
Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact (AIPP)
108 Moo 5, Tamboon Sanpranate
Amphur Sansai
Chiang Mai -50210,

For more information visit the official website HERE.

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