DeFactual Online Magazine Call for Submissions

Deadline: 10 November 2013
Open to: Undergraduate and postgraduate students, young researchers and anyone with a keen interest in international relations
Benefits: the publication of the submission online


DeFactual is an online magazine, covering a variety of topics, interesting and relevant for all IR enthusiasts. Its main goal is to offer a platform where students, practitioners and other associates can present their own unique observations, related to a variety of topics within the broader international relations theme.

They are seeking for submissions that focus on any of the IR-related topics (security, international organizations, foreign policy, development, human rights, international law, business, etc.). The topic and length of the articles are left at the full disclosure of the authors.

Articles should follow the basic guidelines outlined below:

  1. Articles for submission must be previously unpublished and in English.
  2. Articles should be accurate, up-to-date and appropriate. They should fall under the categories or topics indicated on the De Factual web-site (international politics, international security, environment, international development, human rights and society).
  3. Articles should fall under one of two categories: shorter articles (opinions, reviews and current affairs commentaries) of no more than 2,500 words or longer research articles of no more than 5,000 words.
  4. The articles should provide original theoretical or conceptual observation or empirical research. Journalistic reporting is acceptable for shorter articles.
  5. The articles should be comprehensible, interesting and captivating. Longer research articles must be in academic English.
  6. The authors are responsible for submitting papers in grammatically correct English. Principally, the editors are not obligated to correct spelling and grammar, but they may choose to do so at their own discretion.

Please follow the formatting instructions regarding text, images and citations listed in the full guidelines HERE.


Undergraduate and postgraduate students, young researchers and anyone with a keen interest in international relations may submit article for publication.


The benefits include having your work published online.


The deadline for applying is 10 November 2013. Please send your articles to using “Submission” as the subject in the email address block. In the e-mail do not forget to indicate your name and the title of your article. After submitting your article, you will receive acknowledgement indicating they have received your work.

You will be provided with their e-mail and will remain in contact with the assigned editor until publication. All matters and questions regarding content, evaluation, drafting, corrections and publishing should be addressed with the assigned editor. After receiving a preliminary evaluation and critique, you will be expected to submit a corrected version of the article within 14 days or within the time-frame agreed upon with the assigned editor. After your article has been edited, you will receive a final draft for final approval.

For questions, you may find the responsible organization members on their contact information page HERE. Further details are available in the official guidelines HERE and at the official website HERE.

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