European Media Professionals Needed for Migration Documentary

Deadline: 17 October 2013
Open to: Media Professionals and Journalists up to 35 years old
Remuneration: to be announced based on €30,000 funding expected from the European Journalism Fund


The organizers of the multimedia documentary project (IN)VISIBLE CITIES are looking for  journalists, editors and media professionals focused on migration and African diaspora to collaborate in: Italy (Rome and Brescia), Norway (Oslo), Turkey (Istanbul), Belgium (Brussels), Tenerife (Santa Cruz), and the United Kingdom (Cardiff).

You will be part of the production of a documentary and series of articles on African migrants settled in the cities indicated. The project was started by freelance journalist Beatrice Kabutakapua and RAI director Gianpaolo Bucci and travelled from the UK to Los Angeles, Chicago, New York.

(IN)VISIBLE CITIES is a multimedia project and a documentary series: an insightful portrait of Sub-Saharan African migrants communities who settled in 13 different cities of the five continents. What are their stories and cultures? How do they interact with other local communities? This long-term investigation will answer these questions not from a distance, but from the inner core of the migrants’ districts. Far from the conventional media tendency to focus on tears, despair and struggles, (IN)VISIBLE CITIES depicts their culture and history from all angles. The goal is to provide an educational tool that will discourage people from creating false assumptions.

Too often longstanding citizens are likely to assume, without any evidence or direct experience, that neighborhoods in which migrants live are “dangerous”: we call those areas the (IN)VISIBLE CITIES because the locals are used to turn their eyes elsewhere and pretend to know enough about them. What motivates them is the belief they can promote a culture of diversity through (IN)VISIBLE CITIES and thus contribute to social integration.

More information about the (In)visible Cities project is AVAILABLE HERE.


They are looking for creative and resourceful young professionals who are working or have worked for media organizations. Candidates should possess the following skills:

  • Creative, resourceful and open to brainstorming
  • Fluent English and language of the country of residence
  • Previous journalistic work
  • Knowledge of migration situation in the city of residence
  • Interest in social integration

Desirable, but not essential skills include:

  • Photographic, Filmmaking skills
  • Cross-Media experience
  • Experience reporting on African migrants
  • Contacts with local organizations for interviews


Approximately €30,000 would be available for the project if passed by the European Journalism Fund. You will be working for the European production of the project for two months or so, in a period of time between November 2013 and August 2014.


The deadline for applying is 17 October 2013. Send the following required documents to Beatrice Kabutakapua, Producer/Journalist for (IN)VISIBLE CITIES by email to

  1. CV
  2. Previous work (photo, film, articles, cross-media)
  3. A letter introducing yourself and interest in the topics listed

For more information, please visit the official website HERE and (In)visible Cities’ Facebook page HERE.

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