Call for Ideas to ‘End Gender Discrimination Now!’

Deadline: 15 October 2013
Open to: any individual or organization that has a good story to tell about gender and institutional/organizational change
Award: selected entries will be featured on AWID, FLACSO, BRIDGE and Gender at Work websites


A new global competition called ‘End GenderDiscrimination Now!’ is seeking ideas and experiences about ending gender discrimination. Organized jointly by Gender at Work, the Association for Women’s Rights in Development (AWID), BRIDGE, and Gender Society and Policies Area, Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales – FLACSOArgentina, this competition aims to gather both formal and informal strategies for tackling gender discrimination. It is interested in how the internal cultures of organizations change, as well as how the impact or products of an organization’s work become more gender equitable. For instance, do you know about schools that have put measures in place to create equal opportunities for girls and women and have changed deep-seated attitudes of students and teachers in the process? Have you seen government agencies or private sector companies change their procedures in ways that reduce discriminatory attitudes of their staff and make it easier for women to access benefits on an equal basis with men? Have you changed the time or locations of meetings in a community group or in your company to make sure that women can participate more effectively and had good results in terms of ideas and inclusion?

There are three categories in this competition:

  • The GenChange Award: Stories about changes that organizations are implementing that are chipping away at gender discrimination in your workplace and in your communities.
  • The GenTruth Award: Stories about strategies that have been implemented and why they have not worked to reduce gender discrimination in your organization, community or country.
  • The Gen-novation Award: Your ideas about innovative ways to end gender discrimination that you haven’t yet had the opportunity to try out.


Submissions will be accepted from any individual or organization that has a good story to tell about gender and institutional/organizational change. You do not have to be working in the organization to tell the story. The competition organizers will, however, contact the organization to validate your submission.

Submissions from diverse types of organizations are invited: governmental and non-governmental, private sector companies, municipalities, donor organizations, media organizations, academic organizations, schools, places of worship, police stations and others.


Selected entries will be featured on the websites of AWID, FLACSO, BRIDGE and Gender at Work, and in Gender at Work’s upcoming publication: Making New Rules: Secrets and Stories from the House of Gender. Winners will also be supported to attend and/or feature their experience at: a) a Gender at Work Collaboratory, a venue where practitioners, activists and academics working on gender equality issues meet to share strategies and build collaborations, or b) the AWID Forum 2016, where they will have an opportunity to present their experiences during a relevant workshop. Winning selections will also receive a year-long subscription to the IDS Bulletin and a back catalogue of BRIDGE publications.


How to enter:

  1. Fill out the entry form.
  2. Written submissions should be no more than 750 words in length.
  3. If submitting a videotaped story, rather than a written one, please ensure that it is not more than 10 minutes in length. You can upload your video to You Tube or another server, make it private, and send us a link.
  4. Submit it to

A five-person panel of experts on gender and institutional change will judge the submissions. Winning entries will contain three elements: a) Strong illustrations of the types of gender discrimination that existed; b) Descriptions of innovative approaches used to tackle gender discrimination; c) Your reflections on what happened (or what did not happen) as a result.

The deadline for submissions is October 15th, 2013.

Entries can be submitted in English, Spanish, and French. For more information, please visit the official website.

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