Mission Europe Training: Belgium, Germany, Poland

Deadline: 29 September 2013
Open to: young people between 16-19 from Belgium, Germany and Poland
Venue: 26-29 October 2013 in Ypres, Belgium; 13-16 February 2014 in Krakow, Poland; and 26-30 March 2014 in Berlin, Germany


Mission Europe IV is a Youth Democracy Project that brings young people, aged 16 to 19, from Belgium, Germany and Poland together during three weekends to participate in debates, discussions, workshops and sightseeing tours concerning mainly the two World Wars, the Cold War and the EU. Mission Europe IV aims to immerse young people in the consequences of the history and to develop a mutual understanding between youngsters in the spirit of European identity, solidarity, tolerance and cultural diversity as a key to a ‘united in diversity’ Europe. Mission Europe IV hopes to contribute to the formation of a socially-adept, open-minded, and globally-aware future generation. The project aims to display the feeling of a culturally rich and differentiated, yet united Europe with similar overarching values; especially among countries that once fought each other but now cooperate closely.

After 4 days in Ypres, 4 days in Krakow and 5 days in Berlin YOU will become a European citizen who knows what he/she wants.  Meet Europe and its history on a different way.  Discuss with us under the Menin Gate in Ypres, experience with us the sorrow in Auschwitz concentration camp, cycle with us through trendy Berlin. Create international friendship for life and enter an exciting European network of youth! Join their European Mission ‘From War to Peace’. Apply now for Mission Europe 4!

Much more information about the project is AVAILABLE HERE.


This call concerns young people between 16-19 from Belgium, Germany and Poland.


75 Euro (all costs included). The participation fee covers accommodation, travel from a big city near you to the venues, all meals during the project and all materials needed during the project. The participation fee does not cover any expenses made during the free time, any souvenirs or other personal expenses.


Download the application form HERE. All applications should be sent to applications@yeuth.eu, latest on Sunday 29 September 2013 at 23:59 CET. Only applications sent to this address will be considered.

If you have questions about the application procedure, you can contact the organizers at info@yeuth.eu.

For more information, please visit the official website HERE and the promotional flyer HERE.

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