Centenary Taught Masters Scholarship, London

Deadline: 15 March 2013
Open to: non-EU national who has not previously studied or resided for more than one year in the UK
Scholarship: full tuition and bursary for living expenses


In 2013/14 the Institute of Education at the University of London is offering one Centenary Taught Masters Scholarship.  The scholarship covers the cost of tuition fees and provides a bursary for living expenses for one academic year.

The Centenary Scholarship Fund was established in 2002 to give alumni, staff and friends of the Institute an opportunity to contribute to the vital role that IOE has in the professional teaching and development of educators and research into education.

Scholarships are awarded to international students studying a masters or doctoral degree who have demonstrated academic excellence. The Centenary Scholarship Fund:

  • provides an international academic environment
  • provides future educators and leaders with the best tools to equip them to help improve education world-wide
  • gives Scholars the power to increase the skill, knowledge and aspirations of thousands of others in their home countries
  • reduces poverty and enables people to overcome the challenges of the future through education
  • allows students to focus on their studies and not to worry about the incredible cost of living in London
  • provides scholarships in educational research which are few and far between and much sought after
  • makes a life changing difference in our Scholar’s future.

Click HERE to find out more about some of current Centenary Scholars or HERE to watch a video on the scholars.


You need to be a non-EU national who has not previously studied or resided for more than one year in the UK. The awards are for a full-time masters course only.

They encourage applications from non-EU students who plan to work either in their home country, or another, to improve the circumstances of disadvantaged, excluded or underachieving citizens.  They are particularly interested in hearing how a proposed programme of study would enable applicants to address these issues, and are keen to receive applications from potential students who would not be able to undertake this level of study without the scholarship.


Applications close on 15 March 2013.

If you would like to apply for this award, please use the dedicated UKPass application pathway here. Please do not use any of the application buttons on the masters programme pages. If you do this, your scholarship application will not be registered.

If you have not used UKPass before to make a postgraduate application to a UK university, you will need to open an account. This is free. Clicking on the scholarship application link will take you to the relevant page. The programme number for this award is P041399.

Please email internationaloffice@ioe.ac.uk if you have any queries.

See the official website HERE for more information.

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