Youth Study Trip to Switzerland

Deadline: 22 January, 2013
Open to: Students and active young people from Macedonia, Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Georgia, Moldova, Montenegro, Russia, Serbia and Ukraine
Venue: Switzerland from 1 to 7 May, 2013


On the occasion of Switzerland’s 50th membership anniversary in the Council of Europe, the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA) is inviting 50 young people to participate to a one-week study trip to Switzerland!

The trip which will take place from 1 to 7 May, 2013, aims at familiarizing the participants with Switzerland’s federal system, institutions and activities in the frames of Council of Europe.


Participation is open to young people living in and holding a passport of one of the eleven last countries to become members of  Council of Europe (excluding EU member states): Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Georgia, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Russia, Serbia and Ukraine!

Candidates need to fulfill the following conditions:

  • Be more than 18 and less than 26 years old as per 1 February 2013
  • Be holder of a higher education degree (or currently studying at equivalent level)
  • Have advanced knowledge of English and (if possible) basic knowledge of a Swiss national language (German, French or Italian).
  • Feel concerned by the core values of the Council of Europe: human rights, democracy, rule of law
  • Be (or have been) involved in a non-governmental organisation (social, environmental, cultural, humanitarian, etc.) for at least six months
  • Be interested in learning more about Switzerland’s federal institutions, its population and traditions.
  • Be ready to share a unique one-week experience with 50 other young European people
  • Be willing to get actively involved in the various actvities at all stages of the trip
  • Meet the usual requirements to obtain a Schengen tourist visa


The tour will include journeys to various Swiss cities like Basel, Bern, Lucerne and Fribourg with visits to enterprises and political institutions, as well as meeting with various personalities including members of the Swiss National Youth Council. A trip to the Council of Europe in Strasbourg, France is also planned. ALL COSTS, including transportation and accommodation will be covered by FDFA, with the exception of private expenses and international health insurance coverage, which is compulsory and the responsibility of each participant.

How to apply

You should fill in the registration form in English by 22 January, 2013 and send it to following e-mail address: if you come from Macedonia. You can have the registration form HERE. Check all other contacts HERE to which you can send your registration form.

Please also see the official open call HERE.

Contact person
Viktorija Manevska ||
078 350 598

63 thoughts on “Youth Study Trip to Switzerland

    1. Dear Livulens,

      Please note that this open call, as specified in the beginning of our post, is opened only to Macedonians, as we were provided only the information for how Macedonians can apply. If we receive any information on how students/young people from other countries can apply, we shall update the post.

      Kind regards,
      Mladiinfo team

    1. Dear Anastasiia,

      Please note that this open call, as specified in the beginning of our post, is opened only to Macedonians, as we were provided only the information for how Macedonians can apply. If we receive any information on how students/young people from other countries can apply, we shall update the post.

      Kind regards,
      Mladiinfo team

    1. Dear Alien,

      Please note that this open call, as specified in the beginning of our post, is opened only to Macedonians, as we were provided only the information for how Macedonians can apply. If we receive any information on how students/young people from other countries can apply, we shall update the post.

      Kind regards,
      Mladiinfo team

    1. Dear Anna,

      Please note that this open call, as specified in the beginning of our post, is opened only to Macedonians, as we were provided only the information for how Macedonians can apply. If we receive any information on how students/young people from other countries can apply, we shall update the post.

      Kind regards,
      Mladiinfo team

  1. Dear Mladiinfo team,

    Why this e-mail doesn't work?
    I would like to know more about participants from other countries. I've sent the registration form. Is it unavailable now (because I am from Russia) or not?

    Yours sincerely,
    Anastasia Kuchmarekova.

    1. Dear Anastasia,

      Firstly, this open call was opened only for Macedonians as specified in the beginning of the post. The e-mail shared now is only for Macedonia. However, we are working on collecting all e-mail addresses, so we can update the post and enable everyone to contact their proper national address, thus the post shall be upgraded very soon!

      Kind regards,
      Mladiinfo team

  2. Dear all,

    I have a question.Does this apply to Macedonian nationals and inhabitants who are studying at a foreign university and residing there for their studies?

    Thanks a lot.

    1. Dear Albina,

      Unfortunately, as it was mentioned, the study trip is open only to applicants from Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Georgia, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Russia, Serbia and Ukraine. We are sorry!

      Best regards,
      Mladiinfo team

    2. Kosovo is not recognized as an independent country by the Council of Europe and is therefore considered a part of the Republic of Serbia. You can apply only if you hold a Serbian passport (but I think it should be issued outside of the Province of Kosovo.

    1. Dear Stefan,

      You can try and contact Viktorija, the responsible contact person and report the problem to her. She should give you instructions what to do in this case.

      Kind regards,
      Mladiinfo team

    1. dali prorabote ? NEEE…TOGAS OVA NE E KONKURS !! STRAMOTA CID KAKO LI KE SI GI IZBERAT 4CATAA STO KE IDA ?! tipicno baalkansko makedonska rabota !

  3. Hi. As I fulfill all the above conditions, I am interested to apply, regarding this trip. But I am waiting, to receive my new passport these days and the deadline is meanwhile tomorrow, 22.1.13' . May I still apply? Best regards, Ilda

    1. Dear S Marinković,
      Yes, applicants must be at least 18 years old and currently studying in university. We apologize if that doesn't include you.
      Kind regards,
      Mladiinfo team

    1. Dear Aplikant,
      The organizer's contact information (e-mail and mobile number) for Macedonia is available above (and for other countries in the attached document) and we suggest contacting them after the deadline to inquire about this information.
      Kind regards and best of luck with your application,
      Mladiinfo team

    1. Dear Roman,
      You must find on the list linked in the article above of your country's agency and submit an application to them. Mladiinfo is not responsible for administering this study trip. Good luck with your application.
      Kind regards,
      Mladiinfo team

    1. Dear Boro,
      We assume applications are accepted until midnight at the end of the day on 22 January, but you should contact your country's representative on the list linked in the article above to be certain.
      Kind regards,
      Mladiinfo team

  4. Also the mail in the all contacts list is not working . How can I contact Victoria or someone else when all e-mails for Macedonian applicants are not working . DO SOMETHING !

  5. Dear mladiinfo,

    Please let us know whether the candidates selected by the Council of Europe or the coordinators of our countries? Will be accepted our letter of recommendation to the address of the coordinator? And when we find out who is chosen?

    Sincerely yours,


    1. Dear E.D.,

      Mladiinfo is simply informing you of this opportunity. You must direct these questions to the organizers contact information, which is available from the link in the post under the "How to Apply" section. Please review it there and contact your country's agency responsible for administering the study trip.

      Best regards,
      Mladiinfo team

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