Global Water Forum Emerging Scholars Award

Deadline: 27 August 2012
Open to:  PhD recipient or PhD candidate under 36 years  working in water-related fields
Prize: first prize is US$500; second prize is US$300; and third prize is US$200


The Emerging Scholars Award will be judged by leading water researchers from the Australian National University: Professor Quentin Grafton, Dr Jamie Pittock, and Dr Daniel Connell.

Eligible submissions to the award will belong to one of the following three categories:

  • Research pieces – a summary or overview of water-related academic research undertaken by the author. This may be research that has already been published elsewhere or unpublished research.
  • Project pieces – an overview of a field-based water project or projects that the author is or has been involved in, describing the challenges, successes, lessons, etc.
  • Opinion pieces – insightful, evidence based comment on current or future water issues. This could involve issues that already prominent in public discourse, or issues that the author believes should be prominent.

All articles must be original pieces of work. Whilst submissions are encouraged that are based on or summarize previously published work, the text in submissions to the award must be original. Examples of previously published summary articles can be found here and here.

Submitted articles must be relevant to one of the three themes: “Water Security”, “Water Economics”, “Transboundary Water Governance”. Articles may be relevant to more than one theme but this would not affect judging outcomes.

Judging criteria

Submissions will be judged on the following criteria:

  • Originality of thought or approach to a subject/issue/problem.
  • Written expression.
  • Clarity and soundness of argument.

The Emerging Scholars Award will be judged by leading academics from the Australian National University: Professor Quentin Grafton, Dr Jamie Pittock, and Dr Daniel Connell. The GWF Editorial Team will assist in the judging process.


This award is an opportunity for early-career scholars and practitioners working in water-related fields to publish a brief article that presents their research, projects, or opinions to a global audience. Participants are required to:

– submit an 800-1000 word article relevant to one of three themes:

“Water Security”, “Water Economics”, “Transboundary Water Governance”

– be a PhD recipient or PhD candidate under 36 years of age.


The top 10 finalists will be offered the opportunity to publish on the Global Water Forum site and in the GWF Discussion Paper Series during September/October 2012.

The top 10 finalists will be notified by Monday 17 September at the latest and asked to provide evidence that they are either a PhD recipient or PhD scholar (e.g. link to institutional staff page) and their age was 35 years or younger on the closing date for entries (e.g. scan of passport or driver’s license).

Should a selected top 10 finalist decide not to publish their article or does not respond to their invitation by Monday 24 September, an alternative entrant outside the top 10 will be given the opportunity to take their place.

The top 10 finalists will be published on the GWF site in three weekly instalments beginning Monday 1 October. The top 3 prize winners will be announced in the final instalment on Monday 15 October.

All information regarding finalists will be announced on the site unless otherwise specified.

Financial prize winners will be contacted after the official announcement on the site on Monday 15 October. Prize winners will be asked to provide details to a PayPal account in order to transfer their winnings.

First prize is US$500; second prize is US$300; and third prize is US$200.

Entrants who are or have been employed by the Global Water Forum or are current or former students of Professor Grafton and Drs Connell and Pittock are ineligible to receive a financial prize associated with the Emerging Scholars Award.


Please direct all submissions and enquiries to:

All submissions must contain at least three references to other publications, such as peer-reviewed journal articles or grey literature (policy reports, published working papers, etc.).

A maximum of three figures is permitted. Figures must be accompanied by captions and sources.

Articles should be submitted in a Microsoft Word document using size 11 Arial font in the same format as the template available here (Word) or here (pdf).

The word limit does not include references or the author biography.

One article submission is allowed per person.

The GWF Editorial Team is unable to provide feedback on submissions or advise on the status of entries.

The Official Website 

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