Fighting Torture in Health Care

Deadline: 01 September 2012
Open to: non-governmental organisations
Grant: $15,000


Following the development of the manual, OSF as the coordinator of the Campaign to Stop Torture in Health Care’s Standards and Litigation Working Group, invites proposals from organizations interested in using one or more of the mechanisms described in the Manual to advance existing advocacy efforts to address torture in health care and ensure government accountability. Proposals should include the following components:
1) Description of the violation(s) to be addressed
Please describe in detail the abuse in health care that will be addressed. In your description, please include on the following:
• What is the nature and the extent of the abuse in your country?
• What is the level of awareness among government officials that the abuse is occurring?
• What has been done so far to address this violation?
2) Proposed mechanism(s) to address the violation(s)
Which mechanism(s) do you hope to use and how would this fit into your ongoing advocacy to address the selected violation(s) in your country? For each mechanism chosen, please describe why it would be impactful and strategic to use at this time—for instance:
• Would it complement advocacy efforts ongoing before a domestic human rights mechanism or court?
• Would it help to set the record straight in a case where the government has issued a report denying a particular abuse in health care?
If you propose engaging with a treaty body, please indicate when your country is up for review and by when you would be making your submission.


All organizations interested in using one or more of the mechanisms described in the Manual to advance existing advocacy efforts to address torture in health care and ensure government accountability are welcomed to apply.


For some mechanisms, a limited amount of travel may be necessary (1) to coordinate with other relevant stakeholders/NGOs to prepare a report (for example, to prepare a shadow report to a treaty body); and/or (2) to travel to Geneva or other relevant city to present a report, proposed resolution, or court case. Proposals may include these travel costs.

The maximum budget for proposals with relevant travel expenses is $15,000. The maximum budget for proposals without travel expenses is $10,000. Please included a detailed budget, including staff and administrative costs related to this project, and relevant travel costs where applicable.


Please submit your proposal to Lydia Guterman, coordinator of the Campaign to Stop Torture in Health Care, at Applicants will be notified of the results by September 1, 2012. Please use the proposal application form and guidelines, and please email Lydia with any questions.

The Official Website

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