The Fund for Cooperation & Knowledge at the University of Pavia, Italy

Deadline: 18 May 2012, 12.00 pm (Italian time)
Open to: Students from Developing Countries and students from UNIPV
Scholarship: 2 scholarships of 7.000 Euros each and 4 scholarships of 8.000 Euros each


The University of Pavia (UNIPV) and its students decided to create the ‘Fund for Cooperation & Knowledge – in and out of Pavia’. The Fund is financed thanks to the contribution both of the students (2 Euros each) and of the University itself. The Fund is intended to provide scholarships to students from Developing Countries, who wish to study one year at the University of Pavia, and to UNIPV students who would like to spend some months in a Developing Country for studying, researching and/or training.

The Fund and the selection of the students are managed by a Committee composed by students, professors and officers of the University of Pavia, plus a representative of the DGDC, for a total of 15 members. The Committee will select – among the applicants – the students who will receive a scholarship.

Applicants may select only a course degree taught in English, selected among the following ones offered by the University of Pavia:


The University of Pavia (UNIPV), in order to promote international cooperation with the Developing Countries, offers 2 scholarships of 7.000 Euros each and 4 scholarships of 8.000 Euros each as scholarships to study at the University of Pavia or at the Institute for Advanced Study of Pavia (IUSS) during the academic year 2012-2013. Each scholarship will cover also the expenses for the Visa and for the travel to Italy and back (economy class).


Only the following candidates can apply for a scholarship: only citizens of a Developing Country classified as a low-income economy or as a lower-middle-income economy by the World Bank (see here), and students from a Developing Country who received a scholarship financed through the FC&K for the academic year 2011-2012 (in this case, expenses for VISA, residence permit, and for travel will not be covered).

Only students born on/after the 1st January 1977 can participate.


Interested candidates must submit an application which has to include:

  1. a complete application form (completed in all its parts): it must be filled in English using the computer; then it has to be printed, signed, completed with a passport-size picture, and scanned;
  2. a motivation letter written in English;
  3. a transcript of records in English or translated into Italian by a competent Italian authority;
  4. a recent letter of reference (written in English after the 29th March 2012) hand signed by a university professor and dated;
  5. a curriculum vitae in English (European format: available on this Web page);
  6. a recent health certificate (issued after the 29th March 2012 in English or translated into Italian by a competent Italian authority) attesting that the applicant is in good health conditions and is not suffering from physical or mental illnesses;
  7. a photocopy of a valid passport (or of a valid identification document, ID) of the applicant.

Applications must arrive only by e-mail (just one PDF file: maximum size 5MB) by 12.00 o’clock p.m. (Italian time) of the 18 May 2012 and must be sent to the following email address:

For further information, read the FAQ or ask by email to (due to the high number of questions received everyday by email, only those which cannot be answered by reading very carefully the call for applications and the FAQs will get a reply.

The Official Website

One thought on “The Fund for Cooperation & Knowledge at the University of Pavia, Italy

  1. i would like to know the scholarships for my SPM next year..2010.??[] Reply:December 5th, 2009 at 10:16 ami will post all the iormfnation soon as there are available . scholarship normally will be available starting january .[]

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