Scoop Investigative Reporting Grants

Deadline: 1 July 2012
Open to: Journalists from Ukraine, Belarus, Serbia-Montenegro, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Albania, Macedonia and Moldova (for national investigations) and journalists from Ukraine, Bulgaria, Romania, Belarus, Serbia-Montenegro, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Albania, Macedonia and Moldova (for trans-national investigations).
Grant: 2000 EUR


Scoop, a network for investigative journalists in East and Southeastern Europe seeks entries to support two types of journalistic investigations:

  • National investigations in Ukraine, Belarus, Serbia-Montenegro, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Albania, Macedonia and Moldova. National investigations involve journalists from one of the mentioned countries investigating issues and stories of relevance in their country.
  • Trans-national investigations involves journalists from two or more of the following countries – Ukraine, Bulgaria, Romania, Belarus, Serbia-Montenegro, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Albania, Macedonia and Moldova, and covers issues of cross-border interest.

The criteria for an application:

  • The investigation will reveal new, important information of obvious public interest.
  • The investigation is based on firm publishing agreements with at least one and preferably several mass media.
  • The investigative journalist(s) already have access to key information (relevant sources, case-stories, documents) and access to additional information is realistic.
  • The investigation will not produce unacceptable risks to the journalists / media involved.
  • The journalist(s) involved will work according to professional journalistic and ethical standards.
  • Key results of the investigation will be published within a reasonably short timeframe.
  • The journalists/editors involved in the investigation will subject their material to legal advisors before publishing to avoid unnecessary conflict with the law.
  • SCOOP has to be specifically mentioned when the articles are published. The published investigation will assist in promoting SCOOP and the networks in the local, regional or international median community.


Journalists from Ukraine, Belarus, Serbia-Montenegro, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Albania, Macedonia, Moldova, Bulgaria and Romania may apply.


The budget for the investigation corresponds with the overall parameters of SCOOP. The following items can be covered: salary, travel, access to data, access to expert assistance etc. A detailed budget must be submitted. The maximum for national investigations are 2.000 EUR.


  • To see what the application should at least cover, click hereand then follow these steps:
  • Write an application where you describe your idea for a journalistic investigation. You must follow the criteria for funding (PDF).
  • Make a detailed budget: The following items can be covered: travel, access to data, access to expert assistance etc. Scoop does not pay salary but a limited fee when the investigation has been published.
  • Send a short CV and preferably examples of previously published articles with the application (TV/radio-emissions should be mentioned).
  • The application should be sent to the national SCOOP coordinator in the respective country (see list) and/or the Danish manager Brigitte Alfter, brigitte(a) The application can be written in English or the language of the country.
  • If you due to sensitivity of the material only want to reveal the idea for the investigation to a limited group of people you can send it only to the Danish manager Brigitte Alfter, and the application will be treated with confidentiality.
  • There are 4 yearly deadlines for applications: 1st of January, 1st of April, 1st of July and 1st of October.

The Official Website

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