Master of Arts in Interdisciplinary Research and Studies on Eastern Europe (MIREES), Bologna

Deadline: 21 May 2012
Open to: international students
Scholarship: several opportunities


The Master of Arts in Interdisciplinary Research and Studies on Eastern Europe (MIREES) is a programme jointly offered by the University of Bologna, Italy together with the Vytautas Magnus University at Kaunas, Corvinus University of Budapest and St. Petersburg State University. The University of Ljubljana is an associate partner that offers additional mobility opportunities for students. The Programme is taught entirely in English (120 ECTS). The MIREES students will spend the first year in Forlì (one of the five campuses of the University of Bologna), while in the second year a minimum of 6 months will be spent at Partner Universities (including Ljubljana) and, in particular cases, at other MIREES Associated Universities in the Balkans. A mobility grant is offered to all enrolled students.


Applicants must possess a First Cycle Degree or a certificate of study obtained abroad and recognized as being suitable in one of the following disciplinary fields: Law, Economics, Political Science, Sociology, Geopolitics, Demography, Gender Studies, Psychology, Anthropology, History, Philosophy, Literature, Language Studies, Cultural Studies, Agriculture.

Further requirements:

  • knowledge of English language
  • essential computer skills

The assessment of a suitable personal preparation will be made on the basis of the candidates’ qualifications, curriculum studiorum, motivations and, if required, of an interview.

The interview will cover the following topics:

  • in-depth examination of the motivations
  • assessment of the individual aptitude towards content of the degree programme


It is possible to apply using the on-line service for admission in the academic year 2012-13 to the Master Arts in “Interdisciplinary Research and Studies on Eastern Europe”  – course class 52 LM – International relations, the international Second cycle Joint Degree awarded by the Faculty of Political Science “Roberto Ruffilli” in cooperation with its partner universities.

Two evaluation sessions are scheduled:

  • the first evaluation session, with deadline 21th May 2012 for applying and sending documents, open to all candidates;
  • the second evaluation session, with deadline 20th September 2012 for applying and sending documents, only for EU students and non-EU students with equivalent status.

The call for application and the forms for self-certification in Italian and in English are available here.


A number of opportunities to receive grants, scholarships or be exempted from tuition fees is listed here.

For further information, please feel free to contact the Tutor of the course at or the Mirees Secretariat (, phone +39.0543.374149).

The Official Website 

4 thoughts on “Master of Arts in Interdisciplinary Research and Studies on Eastern Europe (MIREES), Bologna

  1. Dear Sirs,

    I wanted to ask You can I as a piano student which finishing BA degree in September 2012. apply?

    And what includes scholarship exactly and which project will we do?

    Sincerely yours,

    Katarina Rankovic

    1. Dear Katarina,

      Here is the list of eligible fields of study: Law, Economics, Political Science, Sociology, Geopolitics, Demography, Gender Studies, Psychology, Anthropology, History, Philosophy, Literature, Language Studies, Cultural Studies, Agriculture, so I don't think you are eligible for this Master.

      Kind regards

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