International Summer School “Beyond Enlargement. The Wider Europe and the New Neighbourhood”, Italy

Deadline: 28 June 2011
Open to: individuals/students interested in democratic developments, human rights, peace and security issues, European integration
Costs: scholarships available for  citizens of the following countries: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Kosovo, and Turkey
Venue: 4th – 17th September 2011, Cervia, Italy


The CEI International Summer School “Beyond Enlargement. The Wider Europe and the New Neighborhood” will take place in Cervia, every September.

Since 1995 the “Europe and the Balkans International Network – Centre for Eastern European and Balkan Studies”, established by the University of Bologna, has been organising a yearly Summer School for post-graduate students from Eastern Europe and from the European Union. Up to the ninth edition, held in 2003, the School was entitled “Post-Communist Transition and European Integration Processes”. Starting from 2004 the School has the title: “Beyond Enlargement. The Wider Europe and the New Neighbourhood”. This title change is explained by the enlargement of the EU towards ten East European Countries in 2004, seven of them belonging to the CEI area that represents the conclusion of the so called “post-communist transition”, at least for this part of Eastern Europe.

The recent policy of the EU on “Greater Europe and the new neighbourhood” offers new rooms for an interaction between the CEI and the EU strategic goals, and this will be taken into serious consideration in the School programmes as well as in the selection of the students.


The aim of the summer school is to help participants learn about democratic developments, human rights, peace and security issues, and European integration.

In particular the 2011 will offer an arena for exchange experiences as well as tools for strengthening the actions of activists in the Central and SEE Region, for fighting against discrimination (within the broader framework of Diversity Management) and spreading new sense of economic development (with a special reference to Green Economy and Sustainable development).


The summer school is supported by the CEI and the P2P Programme of the European Commission and particularly designed for participants belonging to CSOs from the Western Balkans. Scholarships are available for CSOs representatives who are citizens of the following countries: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Kosovo, and Turkey.

How to Apply

Deadline for application: 28th June 2011 is the strict deadline set for receiving the properly completed:

  • Application form,
  • Curriculum vitae European Format,
  • Letter of endorsement from your CSO.

Interested applicants can register and apply on the website of the summer school.

Further information my be requested to

Ms. Dessislava Krasteva

Ms. Luciana Moretti

Centro per l’Europa Centro-Orientale e Balcanica
CEI International Summer School
via San Giovanni Bosco, 1, Faenza, Italy
Phone: +39 0544 937 950

The Official Website

10 thoughts on “International Summer School “Beyond Enlargement. The Wider Europe and the New Neighbourhood”, Italy

    1. Hi, montenegro,

      Here is what I read on the website: "The scholarship covers accommodation expenses (board and lodging) in Faenza starting from the dinner of September 4th to the breakfast of September 17th included and contribution for the travel expenses."

      So they will contribute to the travel expenses.



    1. Hi, Wirgi,

      I was looking for more information and here is what I found:
      "Fees: a € 950 fee is applied for EU and Overseas participants. The fee includes: board and lodging expenses in Faenza (from dinner in the evening of September 4th to the breakfast of September 17th), didactic materials, tuition, and free access to Internet. Please note that the travel expenses must be covered separately by the admitted students themselves."



  1. Hi mladiinfo,

    Can anyone tell me what "letter of endorsement from your CSO" does it mean?
    I am from Macedonia and what does it mean CSO for Macedonia?

    Thank you.


    1. Vasko, letter of endorsement from your CSO means letter of support from your Civil Society Organization meaning NGO in case you are member of NGO or similar non profit organization

  2. Dear Kristina,

    if we belong to govermental area at the moment, are we able to apply for this summer school? I had a great experience in non-govermetal organisation for 7 years while I worked for them, but now I work in govermental area.

    Thank yoi in advance!


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