EURENSSA 2011, Chernigov, Ukraine

Deadline: 15 June 2011
Open to: students and young professionals
Fee/Costs: 40 euro for CIS countries and 60 euro for EU countries(accomodation, trips, educational materials etc)
Venue: 22 July– 1 August 2011,  Chernigov, Ukraine

EURENSSA 2011 Ukraine is the 6th European Environmental Sciences Student Association meeting and a ten day long educational open-air camp. Each year EURENSSA is held in another country, and this time it will take place in Ukraine. About 30 students from all Europe will participate. EURENSSA is organized by students for students that are interested in sustainability.


The idea of EURENSSA is to learn more about the environment and its related subjects during various field trips and lectures held by professors and experts, to gain on-hand experience during team-work and discussions, to share experience during presentations and many other events.


Program covers the following topics: rural tourism and good examples of green farming (excursions); results of people’s activities (Chernobyl field trip); green office and business social responsibility; saving recreational areas(Yalivshina National park); green business games as an educational tool; principles of green home design,  the adaptive mechanisms used by the mankind to create comfortable environment(trip to the very beginning: Mezinska site of primitive man), workshops to design green works of art, painting workshops; innovations for fun and business(workshop); the best examples of environmentally friendly management and every day actions from different countries(participants’ presentations).

How to Apply

The participation fee of 40 Euro for participants from CIS countries and 60 Euro for participants from EU countries will be taken. It covers food expenses, field trips, excursions and educational materials. It does not cover travel expenses (from your home country to the campus and back) and health insurance.

Apply Online here

The Official Website


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