Knowledge Management Impact Challenge Award

Deadline: 30 January 2011
Open to: organizations and individuals from all countries working in the field of knowledge management
Award: expense paid Travel Award, various follow-up activities including a round of small grants

The Knowledge-Driven International Development (KDID) has launched the Knowledge Management Impact Challenge, which allows organizations and individuals from all countries to share short case stories describing their experience assessing their knowledge management activities. KDID is an initiative of the Knowledge-Driven Microenterprise Development (KDMD) project under the USAID Microenterprise Development (MD) office.

Many of us are trying to find ways to effectively measure and demonstrate the results of our investments in knowledge and learning. The Knowledge Management Impact Challenge aims to accelerate this discovery process by gathering and exchanging stories of what works and what doesn’t.

While measuring the impact of knowledge management is critical in international development, it is also true that there are no easy solutions to ensure effective results for the investments made for achieving development objectives. However, keeping in mind the need to bring together experiences and share ideas, the KDID has been launched.


The KM Impact Challenge is open to all types of individuals and organizations from all countries. Practitioners from around the world can share short case stories (about two pages) describing their experience assessing their knowledge management activities. All case stories will be considered official entries and shared publicly on the KM Impact Challenge website that:

* Reflect the theme of the challenge and in some way describe efforts to measure or assess activities related to knowledge and learning
* Are submitted in English via the online entry form


# You can Receive an expense paid Travel Award to share your story at the KM Impact Challenge unConference in Washington, DC (proposed for March 2011). At least five case story authors will be selected via the peer-review process to receive support to present their work and learn from colleagues at the March 2011 unConference in Washington, DC
# Raise the visibility of your work and contribute to advancing good practice standards around what works. All case stories submitted will be accessible online as part of a growing shared-knowledge base on the topic
# This initial set of activities will lead to various follow-up activities including a round of small grants to further investigate and refine some of the methodologies uncovered by the Challenge that capture return on investing in learning and KM

Application Process

To submit a case story, click here. You will be asked to Log In or Create an Account. Once you have created an account and logged in, you will be asked to fill out a short case story form (less than 1200 words or about two pages) by simply responding to questions in an interview style format. An individual or organization may submit up to three case stories.

The main questions that you will be asked to respond to:

* Describe the KM initiative
* Describe the approaches utilized to measure / assess this KM initiative
* What was the purpose or motivation for assessing this KM initiative?
* What were the most important lessons learned from the assessment process?
* What would you do differently next time?
* What advice would you give to others based on your experience?
* What do you think are the main unanswered questions or challenges related to this field of work?

You are invited to share your story by January 30, 2011!

Send a request for assistance at any time to

The official webpage.

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