Human Rights Research Partnership, Denmark

Deadline: 1 March 2011
Open to: persons who have experience in human rights-related research and/or work, minimum requirement for applying is a bachelor’s degree

The Research Partnership Programme (RPP), funded by the Danish International Development Assistance (Danida) and organised by The Danish Institute for Human Rights (DIHR) offers a small number (4-6) of researchers from developing and transitional countries the unique opportunity of becoming a guest researcher at the DIHR for a period of no more than five months, during the semester August – December 2011.

The aim of the RPP is to:

  • Strengthen research capacities in academic institutions in developing or transitional countries
  • Upgrade and expand human rights expertise and documentation
  • Consolidate DIHRs contacts with human rights research institutions and networks in partner countries
  • Attract strong human rights research projects


The RPP is one component of the DIHR strategy to upgrade and expand the resource bases in developing and transitional countries within the field of human rights. The aim of the programme is to build human rights research capacity in these countries, and in general to contribute to stronger academic environments and increased exchange between institutions in the human rights field internationally.

Please note that the DIHR does not issue an academic degree. However, the study may give academic credit if it is carried out as part of academic studies, e.g. PhD. or other doctoral studies with another institution, and such linking is encouraged.


The programme is primarily for persons who have experience in human rights-related research and/or work. The minimum requirement for applying is a bachelor’s degree and preference will be given to those possessing a master’s degree or equivalent qualifications. The applicant must be professionally affiliated to an institution (NGO, university, etc.) in a developing or transitional country. It is of utmost importance that the applicant is fluent in spoken as well as written English. The selection of research partners will depend on the qualifications of the total number of applicants and the availability of qualified supervision at the DIHR.

The Research Grant

Expenses in relation to accommodation, insurance and international flights will be covered by the grant. Moreover, the guest researcher will be given an adequate amount per month to cover living expenses in Denmark. The guest researchers are accommodated at the Danida Fellowship Centre (DFC) in central Copenhagen. DFC handles the administration of the grant and organises numerous social-cultural events. As the price level in Denmark is high, one should not expect to be able to make savings. It is not possible for the DIHR to invite family of the guest researcher to Denmark.

How to Apply

Applicants are requested to forward the following in English only (certificates and letters of recommendation in French are also acceptable):
1. Research proposal of five to ten pages stating: a) Field of research, b) Objective, c) Methodology, d) Expected output, e) Time frame for the work.
Please refer to the concept paper here in relation to the specific topic of IJS
2. Certifiable academic degree(s).
3. Curriculum Vitae.
4. Proof of institutional affiliation.
5. An academic article or paper produced by the applicant.
6. Proof of proficiency in English (oral and written) by means of an English test
7. A letter of recommendation from the institution to which the applicant is affiliated.

For further information contact:
Applications for the coming academic year (August-December 2011) should be received at the DIHR no later than 1st of February 2011. A reply will be forwarded to the applicant by May 1st at the latest.

Please send your application, paper or electronic version, to:

The Research Partnership Programme
Att.: Dr. Lone Lindholt, Head of Programme
Strandgade 56
DK-1401 København K

Official Brochure

Official website

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