Young Atlanticist Summit, Lisbon

Deadline: 17/09/2010
Open to: young professionals in the fields of international relations, defense/security, journalism, international business, and academia
Cost: accommodation will be provided and allowances will be available to help cover travel cost

From November 19-20, 2010, Lisbon, Portugal will be the center of the transatlantic relationship as Heads of State, top diplomats, military figures, and others will convene for the 2010 NATO Summit.

The Atlantic Council of the United States’ Young Atlanticist Program, in partnership with the Portuguese Atlantic Commission and the Atlantic Treaty Association /Youth Atlantic Treaty Association, will be hosting a young professionals’ event for the Summit, and is currently soliciting applications from exceptional candidates from all NATO and Partnership for Peace (PfP) countries, as well as Mediterranean Dialogue members.

The Young Leaders Summit will take place on November 18th – 20th in Lisbon, Portugal. Participants will arrive on November 17th, and leave on the 20th or 21st.

Aim of the Young Leaders Summit

* connect emerging leaders with one another and with Alliance leaders to discuss NATO’s strategic concept and other pressing issues facing the Alliance;
* in addition to a series of high level speakers and panel discussions, participants will have opportunities to network with one another during meals and cultural events;
* participants will also be invited to join the Atlantic Council’s Young Atlanticist Network, and be encouraged to remain engaged with one another, and connect with other Young
Atlanticists online

Target group
* exceptional young professionals, aged 22-35, and are targeting individuals who have started careers in the fields of international relations, defense/security, journalism, international business, and academia. Successful candidates will possess a strong passion for international engagement and have demonstrated leadership abilities.

* Young professionals who have begun a career in a related field (graduate students may also be considered);
* Between 22 and 35 years of age
* NATO or PfP country citizenship, Mediterranean  Dialogue citizenship
* Past experience and/or studies relating to: security of defense policy; democratic transitions; international law; international energy policy; electoral politics; humanitarian issues; or any other fields of relevance to the transatlantic partnership.
* Working knowledge of English
* A willingness to provide running commentary of the summit via blog and video blog
* An interest in long-term engagement with peers on issues pertaining to transatlantic relations
* Applicants who have previously participated in a Young Atlanticist Summit are not eligible to apply for this opportunity

Application procedure
All interested applicants should submit following documents:
1. current CV, including nationality and age;
2. Application form and essays;
3. one English language writing sample, no longer than 5 pages in length

All the documents need to be submitted to no later than 17th September 2010. Write “2010 Young Atlanticist Summit Application” as the e-mail subject heading

More detailed info

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