Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich

ETH Zurich (Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich) or Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich is a science and technology university founded in 1855. ETH is regularly ranked among the top universities in the world. 21 Nobel Laureates have studied, taught or conducted research at ETH Zurich. ETH Zurich has more than 15,000 students from approximately 80 countries. Around 400 professors teach and conduct research in the areas of engineering, architecture, mathematics, natural sciences, system-oriented sciences, and management and social sciences.

Scholarships for international students

International students resident in Switzerland (Type B residence permit) should primarily exhaust all avenues for possible funding in their country of origin. ETH funding is intended to complement other funding sources, i.e., any funding granted from ETH will only cover a quarter of your study and living costs in Zurich. Hence, it is important for you to secure a scholarship from another source that covers the remaining amount of the costs incurred.

International Bachelor students can apply for an ETH scholarship when they have passed their first-year exams.

International Master students, who acquired their Bachelor’s degree at another university, can apply for an ETH scholarship when they have successfully completed the second semester of the Master programme.

Scholarship applications should be made on the appropriate form and sent to the Scholarship Office. Order application form.

Application deadline
From 1 March to 30 June for the academic year commencing in the following autumn. The application must be submitted annually.
Newly-enrolled Bachelor and Master students should submit their application by the end of the second week of the semester (autumn and spring semester).

ETH Zurich
Scholarship Office
HG F 22.1
Raemistrasse 101
8092 Zurich
Phone +41 44 632 20 40 or +41 44 632 20 88

Student exchange programmes

Exchange students do not have to pay tuition fees. The exchange office informs about possible exchange scholarships.

ETH Zurich
Student Exchange Office
Rämistrasse 101
HG F 23.1
8092 Zurich
Telephone +41 44 632 61 61
Fax +41 44 632 12 64

Official website

19 thoughts on “Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich

  1. Hi, I am wondering where I can apply and what requirements are needed to get into the engineering program at ETH. I am an international student from the U.S. Attending a university in the U.S. and I am looking at the graduate and continuing studies programs.

    1. Dear Christian,

      Here –… you can search for the courses the university offers. To get the idea about the courses you can see the Courses catalogs from the previous years….

      Here –… you can read about the admission process. If you have any questions, send your enquirers here –….

      Kind Regards,



  2. i cant find the application forms for the university.Can you give me the link to download the forms.Swiss federal institute of technology.I want to offer earth science.thank you

    1. Dear cyprian,

      Here is a list of courses that the University offers… and here you will find the admissions/applications section
      You can look for the course and application forms yourself. And here is a list of useful contacts for the application process , as well as a link to contact the University itself

      Kind regards

    1. Dear jamil,

      I indicated the link so that you can check and see if your desired courses are taught in English, because the Institute does have courses in English, you just have to check which ones. As for your age, well ther's nothing I can do about it. No way I can help you if you do not meet the Institute's requirements.
      Also, I would suggest you direct all your further questions to the Institute, seeing as they are best competent to answer them.

      Kind regards

  3. Dear Sir/ Madam

    Swiss government has included Pakistan for the award of doctoral scholarship from this year. I have graduated in the subject of pharmacy this year with seventeen years of education and fulfill all the requirements for the award. Attached herewith is my CV for the favor of your perusal. Higher education commission of Pakistan is facilitating the award of scholarships that will cover tuition fee, bench fee, lodging and transport facilities, health coverage etc for the awardees to the selected institutions of Switzerland.

    Kindly do me a favor of sending my attached CV to relavant professor for a letter of consent of enrollment with him. To meet the timeline, I shall feel further obliged if a brief outline of the research at his end may also be sent to me for attaching a project proposal with my application as I could not find the details of research being done at your end from web sources. This will cover the application formalities and I with the consultation of my supervisor will finalize the research project during the interim period of award and enrolment.

    Last date for the submission of application for award is 20th September 2012 in Pakistan.

    Hoping to hear from you soon. my email ID is


    1. Dear Mushmoom,

      Please note that Mladiinfo only informs about these opportunities. If you have any concerns for which you need answers, any requirements/documents which you need additionally, please use the contacts which are provided for you in the post or at the official website.

      Kind regards,
      Mladiinfo team

    1. Dear Suraj Aswin,

      Please check for that specification at the official website and if you cannot find the information there, please direct to the responsible contact persons.

      Kind regards,
      Mladiinfo team

    1. Dear Bamidele,

      please note that Mladiinfo only informs about different opportunities. You should ask directly at university, where you are having your master program.

      Kind regards,
      Mladiinfo team

  4. What a nice read!I have made a list of doctors, denistts, and vets near my home, arranging them by ‘Distance & Travel Time’ (because I imagine the worst case scenarios and that I’d be in dire need of medical help).I suppose what I should have done was to arrange my list of medical help in ‘English? Yes. No.’ order.Sigh, I wouldn’t know until I call to find out eh?

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